The World Ending: 4%

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"I was fifteen when the zombie apocalypse started, my last year of high school ... wow, its been five years already" Pidge sighed as she sat with her back leaning on the wall, glancing to the floor.

"Last year of school, are you not from America" Shiro asked shocked as he glanced to the women who sat beside him.

"Nope England, you do know that English people don't have the America fake English accent they use in tv shows. Sure, we have a bit of accent but its not super posh and stuck up. Allura did admit she was from France before she moved to London, her accent is mixed that why its strange" Pidge replied as she lifted her eyebrow.

"Its just, I thought you were from America but makes sense. I mean, I'm from Japan but I speak perfect English and don't really have a Japanese's accent"  Shiro mumbled and Pidge nodded before they glanced to the hole in the ceiling they jumped down.

It had been a good two hours, they kicked the door and banged on it but Allura never came nor did Lotor. They have up once twenty minutes past the hour meet up time since they knew they'll be long gone with the car by then. 

Now they were trapped, the ceiling was too high for them to jump and Shiro even lifted Pidge up but they were still short. They tried throwing Pidge up but they were just out of reach and when they did reach, the ceiling/floor fell under her. The only bit left was out of their reach making them trapped. 

"At least we have some water and food, we'll survive a couple days longer" Shiro spoke up as he noticed Pidge staring at the hole that held their escape. 

"Starving not my worry, you turning full on zombie and biting my cute little ass. I don't want to just sit here and watch you turn, I've grown use to you. So, we gotta escape" Pidge muttered back with a small soft smile as she turned her head to look at Shiro who looked to her surprised before chuckling.

"No need to worry over that, I have two pills in each of my shoes. We'll be safe for at least a week before I start turning. I mean, it takes forty eight hours for the pills to fully be out of the system and needing a retake of them after that we've got up to six hours before the zombie virus fully takes me over. I'm sure we'll think of a way out before them" Shiro replied as he stood up, patting his legs a little before walking around the room.

"We just need something for you to stand on while throwing me up in the air" Pidge mumbled as she stood up, both of them leaving the bags on the floor for now. 

"Not going to ask why I carry pills in my shoes or why in my shoes" Shiro asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Its your emergency dose right, if you get trapped like we are without any soulless pills nearby. Its so you can stay in control a little longer before slowly turning. Its a good idea" Pidge answered and Shiro nodded. 

"I have a rather gross Idea" Shiro spoke up as he stood under the hole before turning to the women who was trapped with him.

"Gross in Allura and Lotor relationship or gross that I'm going to spend a day in the showers" Pidge asked with a raised eyebrow as she lifted an eyebrow.

"We might need to take a whole day showering if this fail type of gross" Shiro answered and Pidge gave a worried look.

"I'm not going to like this, am I" Pidge asked as she started to walk over.

Her Zombie (Shidge) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now