The World Ending: 18%

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"I feel .. Nothing. I don't feel anything, I wake up and I think Again? Really? I have to do this again" Pidge muttered with pain in her eyes and a frown on her lips as she held her hands in a frustated fist. 

"You chose this Path, What did you expect to happen" Matt scoffed back as he crossed his arms, glancing away from his sister.

"But I didn't expect to meet them .. I thought I'll be alone until I finished my task but then he came .. He came and gave me a place to call home" Pidge whispered yelled back, her body shaking as she lowered her head.

"You came this far, are you really going to give it all up just to carry on living a lie. Think over them, what do you think they'll say once you tell them who you are ... Would they be able to forgive you" Matt shot back annoyed, both of them accepted their fates and he wasn't going to let his sister give up not when she caused so much pain already. 

"Why do you think I never told them, not even him" Pidge snapped back, glaring at her brother slightly.

"Then you already decided that you wouldn't have stayed" Matt replied with a frown, glancing away.

"I just .. I don't want to hurt him" Pidge spoke in a small voice, a frown on her lips as she lowered her eyes. 

"You'll end up hurting him either way, just take the path that might end up saving him and those he's learnt to care for" Matt sighed, running a hand threw his hair as he wished he didn't have to see this side of his sister when he was meant to be hating her. 

"I know and I'll leave, I've found a university with a lab. Well someone else found it and it seems to still have everything I would need still inside. It was crossed off due to it being such a big place, too big for us to keep safe ourselves. I'll be heading there but I'll need to take some of your blood with me if I want to find a cure, your blood the way to go" Pidge mumbled back, rubbing the back of her neck as she glanced to her brother.

"I'll give as much blood as you need as long as you find a way to cure me too .. I don't want to be stuck like this forever. I can't just pretend to be human when I'm clearly more zombie then human by now. I'll even take living on pills for life then just being like this .. I hate it" Matt muttered in frustration, slight tears in the corner of his eyes as he didn't want to live with the blood that ran threw him.

"I'll make you a human once again, I'll make everyone infected human once more. No matter what it takes, I'm going to free them from the infections and I'll undo what I did to you but do know, I don't regret what I turned you into. I was faced to losing you forever or saving you as a monster ... I did what I would never regret doing" Pidge promised, her eyes full of determination as she looked to her brother. 

"If someone can undo this curse, It will be you but it's going to be a lonely path to take. You started this long before meeting anyone in this camp, don't wonder off your path now or everything you did would have been wasted" Matt replied as he looked to her, he knew he wasn't the best brother in the world but he had his reasons for being upset with her. But he was still her big brother, they were siblings long before zombies came and he wouldn't fully turn his back on her.

"I'm not the hero you might make me sound, I'm just stopping a mass murder from happening if  the labs walls get there way. I've wasted enough time here, time they would have used to work on trying to kill any with infectious blood" Pidge frowned, crossing her arms as she knew what would have to anyone with infectious blood if the labs walls creature their version of a cure.

Her Zombie (Shidge) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now