The World Ending: 19%

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"But I just wanna stay. I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me. I know that your love is gone" Pidge sang to herself as she sat on the old computer chair she used to spin around the old university lab she took over.

She placed sound traps around each of the three floors of the block she was in. Barricading the first floor doors and windows to try and keep out any zombies who might wonder towards her while she in the middle of working. The only real entrance and exit was a window hidden by two wooden sheets, one inside and one outside that helped hid the unlocked window. It was her quickest in and out, she could unbarricade other window or doors if needed but she kept to one entrance and exit.  She mostly kept herself on the third floor, easy to spot anyone in the distance without being easily seen unless they were close by. 

She kept to the far lab, keeping hidden away and turning it into her new home for now.One of the lab desks rows near the middle covered in a mattress she took from one of the old dorms and used the row as her sleeping area, a gas stove set up as well for her to cook the small amount of food she got stocked.

She was doing well, using solar panels to get all the gadgets she needed working within the lab. Gathering a couple of gas cylinder to get the gas pumps working if she needed to make a hotter flame then the bunsen burner she used. 

She was doing well, living alone in a lab and working towards a cure that would save everyone instead of wiping out half of them or almost all of them. She couldn't get distracted anymore, if she didn't make her cure first and make sure it worked then the lab walls would use a cure that just killed anything with infected dna, it might just wipe out the human race if they weren't careful. 

She didn't even notice how much time flew past, a whole six months she had been by herself working on a cure. She was close, she made the Soulless pill after all. She just needed to help the pill work full time without having a time limit, a full time use to turn them human once again and kill the zombie infection away completely instead of fight it. 

"Did I always feel this lonely before meeting them" Pidge asked herself as she stirred the liquid within the beaker with a thermometer since she was too lazy to grab a stirrer from across the room. 

A couple of  graduated cylinders pushed back on the lab desk with just 10 ml filled of her brother blood in each one. A watching glass to the side ready to mix a drop of matt blood and the liquid together and see a slight reaction before she looked threw a microscope for a more detailed look over the reaction. 

She was soon grabbing the watch glass, squeezing two drops of her brother blood on before doing the same with the liquid and putting the top of the watch glass on. She gave a closer look, keeping her goggles on before grabbing the second watch glass and doing the same thing but putting it straight under the microscope. Pulling her up goggles before looking with the microscope for the reaction as a smile filled her lips. 

She quickly stood up, filling a test tube up with the same thing and rushed over to the Hematology analyser to test her hoping theory. Turning it on and standing back as she waited, she knew it would take a good twenty minutes but if she was right then she was one step closer to making the cure for all infected. Old zombies might be a little too late to save but just turned or those infected who live on the soulless pill might be saved and changed back human once again.

If she could just do some finishing touches and find a way to give it to others without changing the ingredients too much to make it safe for everyone then they might have  cure on their hands within months.  

As the beep filled the room, her breath was caught in her throat as she watched the results print. Her hands shaking as she picked them up while her eyes fearfully read over the results. It was either going to be a chance at saving the last of the humanity or back to working none stop. 

Biting her lip as her eyes grew wide before a sob escaped her lips as she silently cheered. 

It worked .. she found a cure. 

She found one and just needed to find a way to either give it to others as an injection or a pill, she just had to work that small detail out later. 

For now .. she had formed a cure and it should work. 

Her small heart attack, time freezing moment made her to distracted to notice one of her sound traps going off on the same floor. Footsteps heading towards her as she silently celebrated over her small victory. 

She didn't notice she wasn't alone until everything turned black and she fell forward going numb. 

She felt cold, her eyelids heavy and a stinging pain in the back of her head. Slowly lifting her hands to feel no blood, dry or new showing it was just bruising thankfully. Forcing her eyelids to open as she glanced around the barley lit room and frown as she knew where she was. 

She was in an old classroom, an old country side classroom that was under the control of those who worked within the Labs Walls. They placed anyone they wanted to get rid off or have a little 'fun' with without anyone walking by and finding the evidence later. Rough them up, barely keep them alive and then throw them into the zombie pit that was the hall where kids once held assembly's. Throw them in, lock the doors and the zombies would eat any evidence left of the person they held within the school.

If they wanted the person to truly suffer after messing with them, then they would throw them outside in the small town and let them either starve to death unable to move themselves or weakly live long enough to watch a wondering zombie find them. She wasn't even meant to know of the school since not all employers within the labs walls had enough rank to know about it but when had she ever sat back and been a good person. She hacked the system, followed them once and found out about the place the bad way before secretly returning and keeping her mouth shut.

If God was true, he would clearly never step a single foot in this school while those workers stood inside as well. 

She wondered why she wasn't tied or chained like they normally did to anyone they brought but maybe they saw her as weak or something. They didn't think much of her when she worked under them apart from a toy they wanted to get their hands on. 

Glancing around, the windows bordered up with metal sheets blocking out all sunlight and stopping any zombies in or anyone breaking out. Just one of the old lights left working to give them enough light to see the faces of those who would do such horrible things to them without mercy. Anything that use to be in the classroom long gone apart from the teacher old desk where they would laid down any tools down or pin the poor victim down. 

She slowly walked towards the door, keeping her steps silent in case someone was outside and peeping threw the long rectangle window to find no one outside. Trying her luck on the door and finding it unlocked .. this was clearly too easy for her liking. 

Yet she still going to push her luck and try escaping or wondering around for as much information as she could before escaping.

Her Zombie (Shidge) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now