The Wold Ending: 9%

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Lance soon waved the guy over, all entering inside the charity shop and closing it up before standing in the more open space they made and got ready to introduction. They learnt that the guy name is Archie, no last name needed for only a quick meet and well not many used their real or full names since the world ended.

"Nice to meet you, I'm shiro and this is" Shiro started to say with a friendly smile, holding his human hand out to Archie.

"Matthew" Archie answered, his eyes staying on Pidge who stood beside Shiro while Lance stood at the edge between Archie and Shiro. 

"Nope, Pidge" Pidge smiled as she gave a slight finger wave, glancing to Shiro as she felt Archie eyes start to wonder over her chest once he heard her voice clearly showing she not a guy.

"Archie, these are my friends. We from the same camp and they going to help form this meeting on what your walls demands are in forming friendship" Lance spoke up as he noticed Shiro start to glare at the guy who eyes were still not looking at Pidge face.

"My mistake, I just .. you looked like an old friend" Archie mumbled with a small smile as he finally looked at Pidge face, unsureness in his eyes.

"No worries, should we get talking. After all we'll be leaving in the morning" Pidge smiled sweetly as she held her hands behind her back.

"Sure, why don't we sit instead of stay standing. I'm sure we all a little tired over the journey" Archie smiled and the other three soon nodded before sitting down on the ground.

They listened to Archie powerful but clearly careful speech over why the camp and walls should join. He was rather sly with his answers and the way he talked he knew how to trick others into following his lead making them think it was their own idea. But of course, Archie has no chance with trying to play Pidge or Shiro since they were just as sly when needed. 

Lance leaving the talking to Pidge and Shiro who pretended to play along with Archie, following his lead while giving false answers he so cleverly thought he was gaining. But no matter how sweet or sneaky he tried asking questions, the two would noticed what he was after and gave him the answers he desperately looked for even if they were a perfect lie. 

"A Matthew in camp" Lance asked with an innocent look.

"Yes, he my friend and well he left the walls after giving up on a cure. I'm rather worried for him and I just wondered if you knew anything" Archie replied calmly, acting like the perfect worried friend.

"Well sorry but we haven't added anyone into our camp for months now, we faced an unexpected infection with the last one and it still has our people scared over strangers. We not ready to take anyone in but I hear a camp in north are taking all types of people in" Pidge answered with a small sweet smile, acting like she really wanted to help but felt bad over not knowing anything .. Archie fell for it.

"Oh don't worry. Please don't stress yourself over me. I'm sure you would have done everything you could if you ever met him" Archie answered with a charming smile while Pidge gave a fake shy nod, holding her hand to her cheek. 

"I really hope you find him, I'll hate to think something happened to him when we could have helped him ... If only I had found him" Pidge pouted, flattering her eyelashes as it worked a charm on Archie.

"I-I'm sure you would have done everything but it best if you didn't have found him. He a really dangerous and rather needed, you would have only gotten hurt" Archie quickly spoke, his eyes staying on Pidge and giving information he wouldn't have willingly gave making Shiro and Lance share a slight smirk.

"Oh thank goodness, I really can't fight. I'm sure he would have easily used me or worse" Pidge teared up a little making Archie spill more information he was clearly trying to hide from them before and now trapped in Pidge girly charm, giving her everything she wanted to know without him even knowing it. She used the same trick on him, the only difference she was gaining correct information why he failed. 


Sorry for the short chapter, I have ideas for this book but its just writing it into the story. My mind a little bit of a mess with it. But don't worry, I haven't given it up just yet, I just might take a little longer writing each chapter...

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