The World Ending: 15%

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"Will you care for Lance" She asked carefully as she stared at her reflection in the car she was washing, she didn't mind washing cars and found it fun as long as she had time. Sometimes it helped clear her head and just be herself a little. She wore her black joggers and a stolen grey polo top she took from Shiro. Simple yellow clogs she stole from Keith since they had close to the same feet size.

"Do they know who you worked for" Matt shot back from where he leaned on the wall, his eyes looking to the ground as he knew the two of them needed to talk and now was there only chance, no one was around and they'll seen them coming if they did.


The answer to both their questions without either having to say it. 

"Why are you even in the camp, you could have snuck out by now" Pidge sighed, cleaning the window and making her reflection blurry and bubbly. The four of them arrived back at came yesterday afternoon and it was now midday, he had a chance to leave.

"Lance opened his mouth to your boss, she decided to help hide me here for a couple months as her thanks for saving her brother. She willing to send others out to search for me if I do decide to leave" Matt answered with a shrug, clearly not enjoying being trapped in the camp.

"Meaning your trapped here if you like it or not" Pidge finished for him, squatting down to do the lower door area.

"Seems so" Matt admitted in slight defeat.

"Are you going to tell them who or what you are" Pidge asked carefully.

"Even I'm not dumb enough to risk telling that story" Matt huffed back, rolling his eyes and as he turned his head to look towards the camp gate.

"And Me, you have a perfect chance at revenge" Pidge muttered, her hand that held the big sponge coming to a stop as the air between them became even thicker and heavier then before.

"I won't tell, believe it or not but even I'm not that cruel" Matt scoffed back, turning as she stood up walking towards the back of the car.

"I know your angry at me and that you grew to hate me but please, just don't take it out on them. They don't deserve it" Pidge pleaded slightly, washing the back window to hide her expression.

"I have grown to hate you and do know that as long as I hold breath within me, I will never forgive you" Matt growled back slightly, not seeing the pain flash threw her eyes as her hand stopped scrubbing.

"I'm not expecting you to forgive me but do know I don't regret it" Pidge answered in a small voice, her eyes looking to the ground.

"So, do tell me why are you playing happy family with those people. This isn't the life you decided on or are you just using them" Matt asked in slight interest.

"I was kicked out, unneeded if I wouldn't spread my legs" She answered in a slight hiss before scrubbing at the window again.

"I see and your work" Matt replied, lifting an eyebrow towards her direction, no longer able to see her. 

"Its alive, still in progress and just needs the last touches and a lab. Once I find one that the lab walls doesn't have under their control, I'll leave" Pidge answered with ease, moving to the side of the car that faced the wall and him.

"And your little make believe family" Matt muttered, glancing back to the gate not wanting to look at her.

"Left behind without a word, I don't need them" Pidge lied to herself, her hands shaking slightly.

"Glad to hear it becuase last time I saw my sister she was a heartless bitch, a cell of a body working on nothing but a silly fake cure. She would kill thousands if she must, she even gave up her own humanity last time I saw her .. she would clearly never try and feel ever again not when she knows she'll never be human" Matt smirked slightly, slight anger and danger in his eyes as he looked to the lady who was once his sister.

"And she hasn't changed, she knew what she gave up and she knows she can never take back her actions. She won't be foolish enough to try and pretend to have a future" Pidge snapped back, sliding the sponge over the last window, nearly done with the car since she'll just leave it to drip dry before hosing it down later on.

"If your sure, you seem rather chummy with that Shiro guy .. almost attached if you ask me" Matt slyly replied, noticing the women freeze slightly.

"I'm only using him, he my cover story in getting me anything I need and gaining all gossip I want. He just stupid enough to pity me, don't look into it" Pidge mumbled back, dropping the sponge in the bucket of soapy water.

"As cruel as ever" Matt grinned amused.

"Exactly and I won't have you destroying my hard work. So, if your not going to magically fall in Love with the McClain dumbass, stay away" Pidge warned as she glanced over her shoulder to him.

"As you wish, Katie" Matt smirked, giving a silly bow like she was a queen.

"Matthew" Katie muttered before walking away leaving him to carry in the bucket and sponge. 

"You really must learn to stop lying to yourself, dear little sister" Matt muttered as he watched her walk away, not giving him a second glance and clearly showing their conversation was at an end .. for now. 

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