Day 4| Crossing The Levels Of Extreme Toxicity

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Day four! That means more candy! 🍭🍬🍭🍬

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Day four! That means more candy!

Prompt: "Your feet stink!"

Okay, I've noticed something that most people have used Cole as the guy whose feet stink and the others are dying from the smell. And YES I'm gonna use Cole too. 😝


Zane frowned at the mess in the sitting room of the monastery. The entire room was littered with potato chip packets, empty soda bottles, someone's dirty underwear, video game discs and chicken feathers.

He winced as he noticed that the curtains were drawn over the windows, the windows shut tight themselves and a sweaty odour present in the air. The Master of Ice shuddered at it all as he made his way to the windows.

He jumped over clothing articles and nearly slipped on a banana peel (what?!) but safely reached the curtains. When they came within reach, he yanked them apart and sighed in relief as the late afternoon sun shone through the window panes, sunlight bouncing off his titanium skin.

The nindroid made no delays to pull open the windows as well. He ran around the room and opened doors and windows to let some fresh air in, natural light flooding from every corner. He even went about switching off all the lights. For a guy who was the product of technology, Zane was the one who loved and appreciated Mother Nature the most.

He spun into his icy-blue Spinjitzu and zipped across the room, sucking up the trash. The tornado died down to reveal Zane standing with a trash bag which he quickly discarded. The Master of Ice was just finishing up watering the potted plants on the window sill when the door to the sitting room opened and in came the procession of the Ninja.

"Worst punishment ever!" Kai cried out, throwing back his hood, his face red as he panted for air. He started pulling off all the knee pads and belts strapped in various places on his red gi.

Nya followed after him, her raven hair a mess from being in her hood the entire day. "You said it, brother," she huffed, redoing her ponytail and trying unsuccessfully to push her bangs out of her eyes.

"Why would Uncle Wu even want us to herd cows for farmer Anthony?" Lloyd demanded, stepping into the room. "What does that have to do with anything we do?"

Cole and Jay came in the last, both equally exhausted. Jay was covered from top to bottom in mud and Zane scowled at him as the muck dripped off of him everywhere. "He could've let us mop the Samurai X cave or sweep the courtyard or let us simply dust the books in the library."

"But no!" Kai continued for Jay, throwing his hands in the air. "It had to be ugly, fat cows!"

"Well," the nindroid began, handing a bundle of paper towels to the blue ninja, "if you hadn't lied about patrolling the city and going to the arcade instead, maybe none of this would've happened."

Lloyd sighed, discarding his shoulder and knee pads on the small coffee table. "Yeah," he groaned, rolling his shoulders. "Shouldn't have done that."

Cole pulled out a chair, set it in front of the open window and seated himself on it. "Well, what's done . . ." he announced, throwing off his shoes and resting his feet on the sill next to one of the flower pots. " . . . is done."

Jay disdainfully threw away the dirty balls of paper towels. He ruffled up his auburn curls, trying to get the mud out from between them. "But next ti–" he stopped short, his face contorted in disgust. He scrunched up his nose before emitted a loud groan. "Ewwww! What is that smell?!"

Zane came to attention, detecting the atmosphere. He made a face before saying, "This odour is very, very unpleasant."

Kai gagged and tried to fan the air with his red hood. "Unpleasant?! It's outrageously monstrously crossing the levels of extreme toxicity!" Unable to avoid the smell any longer, he pressed his hood to his nose.

"Wasn't me!" Lloyd hollered, raising his hands as if surrendering. "I'm innocent!"

"Oh My Dragon!" Nya exclaimed, sensing the source of the nauseating scent. She picked up a couch cushion and aimed it at Cole. "Your feet stink!"

Everyone looked at the Master of Earth and agreed with Nya. Zane, who was standing the nearest to him, picked up the flower pot and shifted away. "Although it is logically impossible for unpleasant smells to end botanic life," he said as Cole brought his feet down from the sill, "your feet odour is breaking the limits and defying all laws of science!"

"What?" Cole breathed out disbelievingly. He gazed at everyone one by one as they all slowly stepped away from him.

"He said that your funky foot smell's gonna murder his plants," Jay explained before running out of the room.

"Don't come near me!" Lloyd panicked as Cole stood up. Kai grabbed the blonde by the collar of his gi and dragged him out of the room as well.

Nya looked helplessly after them. She turned back to Cole (poor guy looked really confused) and tried to smile in a friendly way. "Uh . . . wash your feet!" With this she dashed after the others with Zane following close behind, his arms laden with flower pots.

"Wait," Cole shouted, a confused look etched on his face. "Come back!"


Poor Cole! 😜

See you on Day 5!

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