Day 8| "Y-Man Is A Real Name!"

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Since some people have cheated by throwing their veggies away, I've decided not to give candy anymore!

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Since some people have cheated by throwing their veggies away, I've decided not to give candy anymore!

Audience: Boooooooo!!!

I don't care! Let thy food be thy medicine. Copyright Hippocrates.


Prompt: Set during your favourite season.

Season: Season 8; The Sons Of Garmadon.

This takes place after the attack on the palace and before the bike race so Harumi is living with the Ninja on the Destiny's Bounty.


"I spy with my little eye . . . something green . . . and blonde."

"It's Lloyd."

"Okay. Then, I spy with my little eye . . . something green . . . and platinum blonde."

"It's Harumi."

"Good. Continuing; I spy with my little eye . . . something sweet happening between those two."

Kai glanced up at Jay, raising an eyebrow at the last part. He smirked a little before replying, "Llorumi?"
Jay clapped his hands and laughter issued from his mouth. "Oh my Dragon, that's a perfect name!"

Kai chuckled in response, leaning back in his chair to look out of the doorway of the bridge. Out on the deck of the Bounty, he could clearly see the Green Ninja trying to have a normal conversation with the recently rescued Jade Princess.

"I can't believe he spent the entire night, looking up stuff on how to not make yourself look like a complete idiot in front of your crush," Cole stated, entering the bridge. He folded his arms and leaned against one of the control panels. "He could've asked any of us."

Nya sighed and rolled her eyes as she guided the flying ship downwards below the clouds to just a 50 feet off the earth. She dropped the anchor and that left the Bounty hovering over a misty forest.

"He thinks before he acts," she said, rubbing her gloved hands. "And asking you guys for love advice is the last thing he's ever gonna do."

"Hey," came the voice of the Green Ninja as he walked in with Harumi following close behind. Nya stopped talking abruptly and smiled nonchalantly at the duo.

She appreciated the fact that Lloyd had finally (double finally . . . and sooner than Cole) noticed someone and she was not going to embarrass him by revealing to Harumi that he liked her. Not yet, anyway.

"Who's gonna do what last thing?" Lloyd asked, clearing the table to make a place for him to sit on.

Jay, however, didn't care if he unveiled Lloyd's feelings for the princess and was thinking along other lines. "You asking us for advice on how to woo Haru–"

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