Day 9| The Cough That Filled The Night (Part 2)

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To hell with the veggies!

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To hell with the veggies!


Let candy rule!


And let Day 9 commence!

Prompt: "Cough– I'm sick."


"I don't get it, Zeb," said a gruff voiced guard who was sitting at the computers playing solitaire while his partner paced the room, a coffee cup in his hands. "Why did we intentionally leak the date of the shipment?"

He placed a black Queen of Spades on a red King of Hearts, pouting all the while, his brow furrowed in confusion. "We don't even have anything to ship!"

The one with the coffee, Zeb, rolled his eyes before walking over and slapping the other's head from behind. "Weren't you listening, you buffoon? The news of the smuggle is just a bait for the Ninja."

"Oh," the first guard stated, free of any confusion. Zeb drained his coffee cup before crushing it between his palms and tossing it into the trashcan. "The Ninja come hopping in like a pack of clueless bunnies, thinkin' they're about to foil a smuggling operation, while we make arrangements."

Zeb gave a low, evil chuckle, grinning at the other guard. "And then–" he snapped his fingers. "–the Ninja are out of business!"

He and his partner stopped laughing as they both heard a faint gasp and a cough. The guards both leaned forward to squint out into the dark hall from the doorway of their office. They strained their ears but were met with nothing but pin-drop silence.

Zeb grunted, back to relaxing. He took out a coin and twirled it between his thick fingers. "Must've heard someone on the radio."

His partner, however, wasn't so keen on shrugging it off as no big deal. With his forehead lined with creases due to curiosity, he got up out of his chair and walked out into the hall.

Zeb shook his head, trying to convince him that there was no one there. When he didn't get a response, he too sat up straight, staring into the darkness. "Luther?"

He was met with more concerning silence. Just as he was about to call out a second time, he heard the other guard yell, "Hey–"

His voice was cut off, followed by a slight struggle. Zeb stood up to attention as a thud sounded.
Adrenaline boosting his determination and strengthening his resolve, he marched out into the hall . . .

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