Day 16| "Did I Mention That I Talk A Lot?"

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Candy! 🍬🍭🍬🍭

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Candy! 🍬🍭🍬🍭

Prompt: "My name isn't even Jimmy!"

Again, this happens in the Movie universe.


"Hey, watch it!" I yelled as a group of boys pushed past me causing my books to fall on the floor. Hearing my voice, they skidded to halt. Their head, Jordan, squinted at me, mischief sparking in his eyes.

"Or what?" he stated, coming over to me, a challenging tone in his voice and a smirk on his lips. His cronies snickered behind him, advancing towards me as well. "You're gonna go crying to your mommy, huh, Jimmy?"

I wasn't a very intimidating person so I couldn't do anything but hope that a teacher would come walking down the hall and save me from getting humiliated by Jordan and his gang.

Fortunately for me, the bell rang. As its metallic ringing filled the halls, kids began grabbing their stuff and started traipsing to their respective classrooms. Which meant Jordan had to scram.

"I'll deal with you later, Jimmy," he muttered before tugging on his jacket to show he meant business. As he and his posse disappeared around the corner, I dropped down on my knees and began picking up my books.

"Jerks," I muttered, stuffing my english essay into my assignment file. "My name isn't even Jimmy. It's Jay."

Jordan Kinney was the biggest bully in the seventh grade and all the dorks and nerds (apparently those were my categories) despised and feared him at the same time. He looked like a twelve year-old kid but he was actually a doberman in a leather jacket and worn out Nikes.

I finally gathered up all my stuff and was about to go to my locker when suddenly a hand caught me by the shoulder. Like I said, I wasn't very intimidating. I was the exact opposite so this gave me a little bit of a jump scare.

"Whoa, relax," came a voice from behind. Turning around, I saw a boy about my age with bright green eyes and light blonde hair, smiling at me like I was his best friend or something.

I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly, a nervous grin on my freckled face. "Sorry. I guess I'm just a bit jumpy."

"You're the new kid, right?" the guy asked, taking his hand out of his jumper pocket momentarily to point at me.

I let out an exasperated sigh. "Not really. I've been in this school for two months now so that doesn't technically make me new."

He stared at me for a minute before raising his hands as if he was surrendering. "Oh, sorry," he said, his friendly smile returning. "We're not in many classes together so I don't see you much. It's hard to notice you when you have that thing nearly covering your face."

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