Chapter 11

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~*Magnus POV*~

did I hear him right? Alec was gay? I heard his breathing deepen and I knew he was asleep. I closed my eyes waiting for sleep to come hut it just didn't want to.

I pulled the covers off me and walked to the balcony. I put my hands on the railing and looked at the traffic. It was backed up. The wind nipped at my skin and I shivered. I sat down at the patio tables and put my feet up.

What if Alec didn't like me like I liked him? What I'd he doesn't want to be gay and is ashamed? How would he tell his parents? I knew he didn't have the best family situation but neither do a lot of people.

I know what its like to not have your mother nor father accept who you are. Alec doesn't need that. I hope that if when he ever tells them that they will accept it.

I looked at the palm trees swaying and wished I could be one. Their life was so simple. stay still till you die and love when people marvel at your beauty.

Holland wanted to come so bad but I just couldn't let her. she may be better after the wreck but she doesn't need the stress nor the jet lag. it could mess her head up.

I walked back into the suite and layer back on the floor. I ant to sleep with Alec in the bed but he's not ready for that. maybe tiara was right. maybe she did no when a Guy was gay.

I pulled the covers over me and closed my eyes. Sleep welcomed me and I fell straight to sleep.

~*Alecc POV*~

I woke up the next morning not believing that i told Magnus I was gay! What if he wasnt?! What if he looked at me weird now? Oh lord. I walked out of the bed and into the kitchen.

For some reason my stomach was growling to no end. Magnus was standing with a pan in his hand and he was ontop of the counter. He was in his ninja stance and was glancing all around the room.

I stiffled a laugh and watched him. He was so crazy! He took a step lunging down of the counter and he brought the frying pan up in the air. Something scurried across the floor and Magnus let out a girlie scream.

He ran and jumped into my arms. I laughed and watched as the mouse ran past me and into the room. Magnus was clenched to me and was shaking. The frying pan was hitting my head with all the shaking he was doing.

I tried to put Magnus down and he gripped me tighter.


I laughed. And i mean LAUGH! i Leaned over and held my stomach. Magnus lept out of my arms and huffed. I heard scurrying and Magnus screamed again. He lept into my arms again.

He was not heavy at all! He fit perfect if that makes sense. I put Magnus on the counter and looked at him. He was biting his lip.

For one who puts up the tuff guy attitude he was not! How could he be scared of a little mouse?! I snatched the frying pan from him. I saw the mouse. I crept up on it and tried to smash it but it was too fast.

"Oh well! Im hungry! lets go eat!" I said to him.

He nodded and dashed to the room. This was never going to be forgotten!

We walked into a small diner and there was a million couples. They were all sharing a milk shake. So normal. Magnus and I got a table and I ordered a hamburger with large fries and 2 milkshakes. While Magnus ordered a salad and a water.

Maybe we needed to switch meals! I needed to lose weight and he needed to gain it! Our food arrived and We were just quiet. I didnt want to be quiet! I hate silence. It is so awkward! I coughed and Magnus looked at me.

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