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From one moment to another I was hit against the refrigerator, Lion grabbed my neck, his head was trembling frantically, his free hand the same, showing that he was ambidextrous, he began to tell me that, because he did not love him, that because, and all the time he did. I kept repeating, I was thinking what to do, he approached my face, saying that he was going to kill his friend, for "flirting" with me.

-Lion let me go- my voice was cold and my expression undefined, Lion released my grip, he saw his hand and me, I looked impassive, he returned with his adorable personality, he told me that he did not know what he was doing that would never hurt me I yelled at him outside, he began to cry and ran out.

I grabbed my neck, Erica came and gave me the notebook and left me alone.

I picked up a pen and started to aim

Pathological liar (put by D. González). Superficial charm. (Observation at the gala). Easily bored. (speaking of "common" things). Observer. Super gifted (tests done by D. Fernández). Unstable personal relationships, he sets aside friends then he needs them (observation by D. Menéndez). Feelings of not being loved or flawed. Terror of being dragged, deceived or betrayed by their emotions. Self-punishment or Self-sabotage. The latter by Erica. Small mouth ???, this observation is made by the boss. Lifeless eyes

Show different people:

The serious one: there are no feelings, it is empty.

The adorable one: my favorite, the least aggressive, sweet and tender.

The narcissist: egocentric.

He shows his 2 face when he is only with me or I am glued to the patient, the series with most people may be the most possessive, watch out. Narcissistic only when there is a large group of known people, of the same opposite gender, does not change

He shows a lot of attachment to me, I don't know the reasons, he can't be in love, or not. He only showed physical violence when hanging myself or became jealous as I was not paying attention to him, common in rank D patients.

I think it could be a YANDERE


1. Obsessive.

2. Aggressive.

3. Cold

4. Shows affection in a possessive way.

5. Possessive.


It can also be a Yandeguire or Yangire

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