Chapter 1 | "I'm Sorry, (Y/n)"

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Previously On The Prologue

Angel, what are you doing?" looking over his shoulder, before looking in front of him again. "What does it look like i'm fucking doing?," he says, nearly to the exit. "'I'm gonna give that fucker a piece of my mind, he promised! HE fucking promised! Charlie". Angel yells as he turns around to look at her fully, "I know, he did Angel, but right now we have to be here for her, and for Damon-"

"Oh but it's okay for what HE did!? What HE did was not okay at all!" At that he punches a wall next to him, resulting in some doctors to run over but Charlie stops them, "I got this, you all can go" with that the doctors go back to doing what they were doing.




Onto Chapter 1 | "I'm Sorry (Y/n)"

///Present Time\\\

Everyone at the Hazbin Hotel visits (Y/n), but the question remains. When will she wake up? Some have begun to give up thinking she won't awake, Angel visits the most, along with Charlie, but Vaggie believes that (Y/n) won't wake up anytime soon. Her and Angel have gotten into serious fights.

Lilith and Lucifer still hold some hope for you as to when you'll wake up, Little Damon asks about his mom and why she has been sleeping for a really long time, but Lucifer and Lilith say that you were in an accident.

But the one person that no one talks about. Not even mentions, or has seen since the "incident" three years ago is the very same overlord. Who put you in the position that you're in, the one Angel saw run out of the door as he cradled your very body, as you bled from the very wound from your head. The very same overlord who has been causing havoc since that day.

The very same overlord, who has been standing across the street of the hospital since that day, staring at the window of the room that you are in. Never has he once entered to visit you, for he knows the reaction of the others as they see him,

But once the others leave the overlord stays for another minute before leaving. Not before looking up at the window one last time a frown on his face,

the overlord turns away, vision blackening as a smile forms on his face the frown no longer there. Said overlord lifts his staff holding it in the air as it begins to resonate a piercing loud noise. Signaling that the very overlord is back to cause nothing but chaos and havoc as his staff continues to make the noise,

He begins to laugh at the terror and fright on the other demons faces, trying to get away quickly from him as he blinks his eyes change as he begins to as well into his full demon form.

Behind him watching is the overlords shadow smirking before looking away it turns its head to the window to (Y/n) room, smiling a victorious smile knowing you are no longer in the picture and that it can continue its work and very plan when the overlord was alive.


At the hotel the others watch the news hearing again that HE is back at it again. Charlie watches sadly knowing that even though they no longer say his name, she wonders if he is going through any pain after what happened three years ago,

Vaggie rubs Charlie's back knowing the very look on her face. Before speaking up Angel gets up off the couch heading to the front doors tired of seeing HIM on the news, exiting the hotel before either of them can speak. Husk shaking his head seeing the mess, death, and carnage because of HIM.

Angel kept walking until he arrived at the scene of where everything was happening, which was not too far from the hospital. "ARE YA FUCKIN' DONE?!" He yells once the overlord turns and looks at him breathing heavily walking a couple feet and stops, "Ya done enough! What more do you want?! Ya fuckin' caused enough damage as it is!" glaring at Angel going to attack him but stops at the mention of your name, "it's bad enough ya put (Y/n) in a coma! You probably don't even realize how long she's been in a coma!! Three years! Three years!!! Because of ya!!!"

Lowering his arm and head the overlord shakes. "Ya left after whacking her in the head with the axe! I watched ya leave! Leave and never face the consequences of what ya done!" the overlord lifts his head to look at Angel shaking more, "when are ya gonna snap out of it and face it and let us try and help ya smiles!!!??" Charlie walks up behind Angel then steps beside him,

"Alastor..." Alastor lifts his head a little before looking over to his left hearing your voice even though you're not there, reality is it's his shadow pretending to be you.

"My buck, they wanna hurt you, they wanna take your status as overlord my dear" growling in anger looking over at them, Alastor raises his hand, rushing at them to attack but they both dodge, Angel pulling out his tommy gun, "you two don't wanna help! (Y/n) is with me! She says you both wanna take my status!!" Angel begins to fire at Alastor which makes him more angry, Charlie steps out in front of Alastor, as he lifts his staff

"Alastor,  Please snap out of it! We just wanna help you, whatever you've been going through these past three years please!" shaking again he lowers his staff, closing his eyes, voice glitching like a radio, "!" Charlie rushes over as Angel reaches out "Charlie no!" She grabs his face making him look at her "Alastor, (Y/n) is not with you...she's in the hospital she has been for three years..."

Tears falling down her face watching the feared deer demon in front of her fight his own tears, as the realization hits him as everything he's felt but pushed back hits him more. Falling to his knees as she follows his head lowered as he continues to shake, hearing "you" behind him speak of how they want to hurt him, that they wanna take his status, that they didn't care about Damon and that you were there.

"Charlie..." looking at him as he lifts his head to look at her, eyes glitching between radio dials and his normal eyes "if I let you help me...will you please take me to her..", looking at Angel before nodding her head, "of course" with the two of them both getting up off the ground the only thing going through Alastors head is three words. 'I'm sorry (Y/n)' as they begin to head to the hospital


Next Chapter: Chapter 2| Visitation



(A/n: "ANOTHER Lovely chapter for this sequel!! ALSO This book has not one but TWO Songs for it! Which is the title of this book Dernière Danse by Indila and Est-ce que tu m'aimes by Maître GIMS, I will explain later down the road of this book why I picked those two songs but anyways enjoy the chapter!")

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