Chapter One

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"Mommy! Mommy! Daddy said I can go on the ship!" Heather Andrews sang skipping out to the hallway as her mother arrived home from her afternoon tea.

Elizabeth Andrews laughed softly removing her hat and hanging it up near the door. She knew her husband would bend to their daughters begging.

They were travelling to America to visit family but they also had to attend a wedding while they were there. Heather hated the fact that her parents would be gone for awhile and instead begged her father to take her with them.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to leave her," Elizabeth smiles rounding the corner into her husbands study, holding her daughters hand as she went.

Thomas Andrews looked up from the plans on his desk and smiled at his wife. He could never say no to their daughter and he didn't fancy leaving her home without them for over a month. He had already sent a telegram ahead so they could change rooms.

"Well... she looked at me with those eyes and I couldn't help it," he laughed pushing his chair back. He took his wife's hand as she sat in his lap looking at the prints.

She smiled turning to face him. She still couldn't believe how lucky she was in her marriage. Many girls her age didn't have a choice in who they married. Her parents were slightly different. They didn't push her on who to marry. She found him herself.

"Of course... what time do we leave? Mother wants to come see us off," Elizabeth mused running her fingers through her husbands hair.

"Ship leaves at noon. I have to be there early to do final checks. You can come with me when I go at ten or wait until half past eleven," Thomas said wrapping his arms tighter around his wife's waist.

She nodded thinking it over. Figuring it was better to leave at half past eleven. Heather would only get agitated otherwise and she can be tough to deal with alone.


"Is everything packed Lucy?" Elizabeth asked walking into her daughters bedroom where their maid was helping the little girl into her nightgown.

"Yes ma'am. Her clothes for tomorrow are on the side. Everything else is away in Miss Heather's trunk," Lucy answered back. She bowed herself slightly as she spoke to Elizabeth.

"Lucy, darling, how many times do we have to tell you. It's Elizabeth, Thomas and Heather. No ma'am or sir. You'll give us big heads," Thomas chuckled walking into the room.

He knelt next to his daughters bed before leaning over and kissing her forehead. Elizabeth watched the two with a fond smile. She turned to Lucy dismissing her for the night after making sure she was packed and ready to go.

"Goodnight bug," Elizabeth whispered kissing her daughters forehead. She took Thomas' hand as he lead her from the room and across the landing to their own bedroom.

"Now, Mrs. Andrews, that I have you all to myself," He smiled kissing her lips as she moved backwards towards the bed.

"Mmm, but now we have to get ourselves ready or you'll be late in the morning," she smiled kissing him once more before moving to finish off their packing.

Thomas smiled watching her go. He was excited for this voyage but he couldn't help but wonder why his wife didn't seem to share in his excitement.


"I've got people arriving tomorrow just before I leave. They'll cover the furniture and make sure everything won't be covered in dust when we return," Thomas said as he joined his wife in bed.

She looked up from her book and nodded. They will be gone for months. She'd hate to face a blanket of dust when she returned from the trip.

"Good. Mother is going to board tomorrow just to see on board. I tried to persuade her to come with us again. She says fathers too unwell," Elizabeth sighed setting her book on the bedside table and settling into the bed.

Thomas sighed removing his glasses and setting them down. He knew his wife was worried about her father, but Mr. Downes wasn't allowing her stay home. He had insisted she went with her husband and child.

"It will be alright, my darling. If he takes a bad turn while we're in America, we'll book the first ship back," Thomas said softly kissing her lips before he settled down next to her, tugging her closer.

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