Chapter Ten

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January 1904,

Elizabeth sighed getting out of the car, tugging her coat tighter around her. She was delighted to be visiting another shipyard but the weather was not kind today.

"Are you alright, darling?," Arthur Downes asked his daughter as he took her arm leading her to the entrance.

She nodded her head, too cold to speak. She wanted to get inside hoping it would provide some type of relief from the cold.

"Sir, this is Sir Edward Harland and Gustav Wolff. Founders of Harland and Wolff shipyard," a man stated as Elizabeth and her father shook hands with the man.

"This is Sir Arthur Downes and his daughter, Elizabeth Downes," the man stated as Elizabeth looked around the building. She shivered as someone closed the door sending a chill flying in.


The tour dragged on as they were shown nearly every nook and cranny of the yard. Elizabeth rolled her eyes listening to them tell her about the machinery as if she had no idea what she was listening to.

Looking off to the right, she stopped as she laid eyes on a man. He was huddled over some sort of blue prints. His hands moving animatedly as he explained things to a group of men.

Looking over his shoulder, he stopped as he looked at the woman. It was a rare sight seeing a woman of such stature in their shipyard.

"Ah, this is Bruce Ismay, managing director and Mr. Thomas Andrews, our master shipbuilder here," one of the partners said. Elizabeth wasn't paying attention to which one as she couldn't take her eyes off the man she now knew as Thomas Andrews.

She shook their hands, her eyes never moving from Thomas. He was the same. He couldn't take his eyes off of her.

As the group moved on, Mr. Ismay now tagging along too, Thomas and Elizabeth stayed rooted to their spot.

"Forgive me, but I don't believe I've ever laid eyes on such a beauty," Thomas said suddenly. He knew from the accents they weren't from around here but he needed to get to know this woman before she left.

"Likewise, Mr. Andrews. I return home the day after tomorrow. I hope to see you again before I go," She said, a smirk playing on her lips. She was a forward woman. She didn't hide what she wanted.

Thomas could only laugh at how forward she was being. But he couldn't hide it. He did want to take her out.

"Tonight. I finish at 5 here. Tell me where you're staying and I can come to get you from there," he said making her smile as she nodded. She walked to his table, taking his note book and writing the name of the residence she was staying in.

It was only a short walk from where he worked. She would be expecting him soon after.

"Don't let me down Mr. Andrews. I will be awaiting your arrival," she said standing on her tip toes and pressing a kiss to his cheek.


Thomas took a deep breath before knocking on the door to the room. As soon as it swung open he came face to face with the beauty he had set eyes on today.

"Prompt. I admire it. Shall we go," she said as more of a statement than a question. She put her coat back on before taking her hat from the stand.

Closing and locking the door, she put the keys in her bag before linking arms with Thomas. He could feel his heart racing but she didn't even seem slightly nervous. She glided through the corridor, not paying attention to anyone but the man on her arm. He had to have her.


"Have you always wanted to be a shipbuilder? Your plans are quite exquisite," Elizabeth mused as they walked arm in arm around the little town.

Thomas looked down at her. She wasn't judging. She hadn't judged one thing he had said. She came from money, a lot of it. He came from nothing and was now making his money for himself.

"Yes. I don't know why they always seemed to fascinate me," Thomas said stopping in their tracks as it began to snow again for the first time since Christmas Day.

"Let's get you inside," Thomas said quickly spotting a pub up the road. It was a respectable one and she wouldn't be heckled as soon as they walked in the door.

"Mr. Andrews, a little snow never hurt me. Now come on, let's continue walking. There's lots more I want to know about you," She smiled leaning up to kiss his cold cheek. She took his hand, pulling him along after her.


"I get the feeling you're not like the other women. The ones who marry money and stay that way," Thomas smiled as they sat in a park. The sky was dark and the snow was falling steadily.

Elizabeth looked at him and shook her head. She valued things. Education, family, everything. Of course she wanted money to keep her and her family comfortable. But she didn't need to be rolling in it.

"No, no I'm not like them. Mother made sure I got an education. I may appear as a posh little rich girl who has nothing to add to the world. But, as I was about to show your colleagues today, I can fix an engine better than half those men. I was the one who fixed the car when it broke down on the way here," she said making Thomas laugh as he watched her.

"I'm not a porcelain doll, Mr. Andrews. But I am respectful. I know when to give my two cents and when to keep it," She said making the man smile and nod at her words. He had guessed as much.

"No... no you're certainly not,"

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