Chapter Eight

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It was late when Elizabeth returned to her own suite. She checked on Heather before moving to her own room. It was clear Thomas had only returned as he started to remove his coat.

"Is Rose alright?" He asked turning to face his wife. He wasn't surprised that she had rushed to help her friend out. He was surprised, however, to see Cal not even looking bothered when he returned.

While Thomas was a bright man, he often forgot not all men loved and cared about their wives like he did. Elizabeth often had to point out something that was staring him quite plainly in the face.

Elizabeth nodded, removing her jewellery and beginning to remove her dress. Thomas moved to untie her corset and help her out of it. That's when he noticed her wrist and the hand print circling it.

"Who did this to you?!" Thomas almost yelled. He pitied the man who dared lay a hand on his wife. He wouldn't stand for it and he knew Elizabeth wouldn't either.

"Cal. He grabbed me in a rage when I was taking Rose back," Elizabeth admitted. She wasn't going to tell him but she would be foolish to think Thomas wouldn't find out.

He clenched his fists before pulling his coat from the chair. He was going to kill Cal. He wouldn't get away with this.

Elizabeth stopped her husbands movements as his face contorted in anger. His brown eyes darkened and she wasn't used to seeing him like this. She didn't want him going anywhere tonight. She just wanted to go to bed. They could deal with it the next day.

"Not tonight darling. Come to bed. He will still be here tomorrow," Elizabeth said, wrapping her arms around his neck. She curled her fingers into his short hair making him smile softly.

He kissed her lips as he moved her back to the bed. Kissing her cheeks and neck as he lay her down. He forgot what he was angry about as his wife started to unbutton his shirt.

Elizabeth smiled running her hands up his chest and over his shoulders. She had been looking forward to their alone time all day. She was sick of being in other peoples company and missed when it was just herself, Thomas and Heather.


Thomas held his wife close to him as they lay in bed. He eyed the wrist Cal had grabbed knowing he would kill the man once he set eyes on him.

"I can hear you thinking," Elizabeth whispered tiredly as she moved her head so she was looking up at him.

Thomas kissed her forehead. He knew she was able to take on any man. And would kill Cal herself given an opportunity but he felt a need to protect his wife.

"Come with me when I have to give them a tour. I won't be able to keep myself from doing something if you're not there," Thomas sighed running his hand up and down her bare back.

She nodded. Rearranging the group in her head as she did so. If she took Molly she'd have her to break the tension.

"That's okay. Take the Astor's tomorrow. I believe Archie wants to join too," Elizabeth mused. She didn't want Thomas to be alone with Cal because she knew when it came to his family he was extremely protective.

He nodded along. He wouldn't mind as long as his wife was with him.


"Happy anniversary," Elizabeth smiled kissing her husbands cheek trying to pull him from his sleep. The man groaned wrapping his arm around his wife but keeping his eyes closed.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. She started kissing his cheek and down his neck trying to get some sort of movement from him.

"Come, I want to have breakfast alone with you before you set off for the day," Elizabeth said kissing his lips.

He was busy today. After the tour he had another meeting with the crew. Elizabeth is taking the opportunity to drop Heather off at Molly's room and then she's meeting Rose before noon.

"Happy anniversary, darling," Thomas smiled kissing her back before they moved to dress for the day and have breakfast before Heather woke up.

It was still rather early but they had things to attend to before they met for dinner again later that evening.

"Tonight when we go for dinner, let's leave the others early. We can take a walk alone before heading back for the night," Thomas said catching his wife's eye. She smiled sipping her tea before placing it back on the saucer.

Nodding her head she picked up her spoon for her porridge again. She hadn't had much time alone with him and that plan sounded better than any she's heard before.

They made small conversation over breakfast. Mostly talking about their plans when they made it to America.

"Morning mummy and daddy," Heather said stumbling on to the private promenade. Her teddy clutched in her hand as she rubbed her eye with her little fist.

Elizabeth smiled pushing her chair back and waiting for her daughter to reach her. Lifting the little girl into her lap, Elizabeth fixed her nightdress over her legs making sure she was protected from the chill.

"Did you sleep well, darling?" Elizabeth asked kissing her daughters forehead before brushing her fingers through her soft hair.

The little girl nodded lying back against her mother's chest. She hadn't fully woken up yet and smiled at her father hazily as he watched the two of them.

"I'll be off soon. I just have to get something," Thomas said standing from the table and heading back inside the room.

Elizabeth smiled as her daughter played with her engagement ring and wedding ring. She kissed her head again. She hoped when it came time for her daughter to marry Heather would be as lucky she was in finding someone who loved her the same way she loved him.

"I know we said no gifts. But I saw this and couldn't help myself," Thomas said, he knelt on one knee before opening the square velvet box.

Elizabeth gasped looking at the necklace. It was beautiful and she couldn't believe Thomas had gotten this for her. She really didn't have anything for him.


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"Thomas... I don't- I- it's beautiful. I don't have anything for you," She said, her fingers grazing the necklace before she locked eyes with him again.

"I don't need anything. You've already given me the best gift. You two are all I need," Thomas smiled kissing her cheek as she rested her hand on his shoulder.

Thomas felt equally as lucky when he thought about who he could've married. His wife was his vision of perfection and he would say that until the day he died.

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