Chapter Fourteen

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The next day was cold. Colder than any day they had encountered so far. While the sun was shining over the boat decks, it didn't take the chill out of the air.

"Elizabeth!" Rose called as soon as she saw the small family emerging from the doorway on to the deck.

The blonde looked up and smiled, taking her daughters hand, she walked over with Thomas by her side. The two of them greeting Jack.

He looked different this morning. But neither Thomas or Elizabeth were ones to judge a person based off their clothes.

"Heather, this is Mr. Jack Dawson. Jack, this is our daughter Heather," Elizabeth said crouching down next to the girl and fixing her hat on her.

She looked up at Jack, smiling as she reached out to shake his hand. The man let out a chuckle at the little girl. She was so proper already but he could see the mischief in her eyes.

"Ah, here you go," Jack said handing over the pieces of paper he had the drawings on. He felt a little embarrassed now wondering if it was as if he was just watching them.

Thomas took the papers as Elizabeth stood back up. There was one of him holding Heather up looking over the railings. The next was both parents crouched down showing their daughter how to join in on a game the other kids were playing.

"Jack... these are amazing. How do you do it?" Elizabeth asked tearing her eyes away from the paper.

They were beautiful and if Jack was willing to give them up, they'd take a great spot in their home when they got back.

"Keep them. They capture you perfectly. And this little trouble maker," Jack smiled. He liked the Andrews. They had been nothing but kind to him since they met.

Thomas put his hand in his pocket and took out money to give to Jack. The American however shook his head not wanting money for the drawings.

"Jack we insist. They're better than any portrait we've paid hundreds for," Thomas said. Insisting on the man taking the money until he did.

Jack couldn't thank them enough for the amount he was given. He never saw money like this.

"Right well, we best be going. We have a service to get to," Rose smiled squeezing Jack's hand before she took Elizabeth's arm and led her away.

"I'll see you around, Jack," Thomas said taking his daughter and heading in the other direction. He needed to get to a few more things before the tour later on.


Walking along the boat deck, her arm linked with Thomas', Elizabeth watched her daughter as she walked ahead with Rose. Cal wasn't too far behind, annoyed that he couldn't have Rose alone.

Entering the bridge where Captain Smith was waiting for them, Elizabeth drew Heather close to her knowing she had to stay out of the way.

The little girl was listening intently to everything Smith and her father were saying. She held her mother's hand, giggling as her father made a face and sent her a wink.

Suddenly, a young man came up and weaved his way around the tour group to hand a Marconigram to Captain Smith.

"Another ice warning, sir. This one from the 'Baltic'," He said making Elizabeth and Rose perk up looking at him. Thomas watched intently wondering what was going on.

"Thank you, Sparks," Smith said as he dismissed the young man. Taking note of the worried expressions the group wore.

Smith glanced at the message then nonchalantly put it in his pocket. Ignoring it. He nodded reassuringly to Thomas and the group.

"Not to worry, it's quite normal for this time of year. In fact, we're speeding up. I've just ordered the last boilers lit," he said. Elizabeth noted the worry on her husbands face before it was replaced.

Thomas scowled slightly before motioning the group toward the door. He placed his hand on the small of his wife's back, leading her out of the room.

Thomas lead the group back from the bridge along the boat deck. His hand still on his wife's back as she glanced around taking the opportunity to talk to him.

"You're not happy he's speeding up. Why?" She asked. Thomas knew everything there is to know about this boat. And if he's not happy with it, there has to be a reason.

"It's nothing darling. I just don't want the engines pushed too far when we don't know how they'll hold up yet," he said reassuringly kissing her temple. He turned to the rest of the group, picking up his daughter as he did so.

She was getting tired and he didn't want her lacking behind when they still had a bit to go.

"Mr. Andrews, I did the sum in my head, and with the number of lifeboats times the capacity you mentioned... forgive me, but it seems that there are not enough for everyone aboard," Rose said making Elizabeth stop as she too listened in.

She hadn't even thought of that. She said a prayer to anyone who was listening that the lifeboats wouldn't be needed.

"About half, actually. Rose, you miss nothing, do you? In fact, I put in these new type davits, which can take an extra row of boats inside this one. But it was thought... by some... that the deck would look too cluttered. So I was over-ruled," Thomas said as he gestured to the deck space.

"Waste of deck space as it is, on an unsinkable ship!" Cal said as he and Ruth walked on ready to continue the tour.

Elizabeth scowled at him. She didn't truly believe the ship was unsinkable. It made her ill to think it would be her husband who would be blamed if something happened.

She zoned out in her thoughts until she heard Thomas calling her name. That's when she realised she had been left a little behind the rest of the group.

Looking over her shoulder, she smiled noticing Rose being pulled away by Jack into another room.

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