Chapter Two

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Walking up to the ship, Elizabeth couldn't shake the feeling in her stomach. It was heavy and she couldn't place why. The ship was extraordinary. Like nothing she's seen before. But she wasn't excited about boarding it.

It's not that she wasn't happy for Thomas and this achievement. She couldn't place why she was feeling off but was sure she'd shake it soon.

"Come on then. Be a good girl, we're going to meet the captain and crew," Elizabeth spoke straightening her daughters clothes as they approached the ramp up to the ship.

Looking up, she smiled at the sight of Thomas rushing down to meet them. She was glad they had all taken this trip. It'll be a nice break for them.

"Mr and Mrs Andrews! Smile!" A photographer called making the couple look over. They both smiled towards him and looking up at her husband, Elizabeth felt her heart swell at the proud look on his face as he held his family.


"My, my, she's quite something Andrews," EJ Smith mused watching as Elizabeth conversed with the crewmen. She seemed intrigued by them, in no way did she brush over anything they had to say.

"A woman ahead of her time, I think," William Murdoch stated. She was much kinder than any other wife of one of the men they regarded as important.

They had heard stories of Elizabeth but never fully believed she was as nice as everyone said. Now they know it to be true.

"Well, I never wanted one of the plastic dolls," Thomas mused picking up his daughter before nodding to the men. He wanted to get his family settled in before they left Southampton.

"Now come, let me show you the rooms. Fit for a princess and of course, my queen," Thomas said smiling at his wife. Waving to the men, she held her husbands arm before moving towards the door.

She laughed softly, looking down, a small smile playing on her lips as they walked the corridor.

The ship was just as impressive on the inside as it was out. The detail, the design, everything was perfect.

"Mommy look!" Heather exclaimed rushing to her bed. There was a door between the rooms connecting Heather and Lucy's and the living room.

The other door lead to Thomas and Elizabeth's room. And she was sure she had never seen a room quite like it. Not even their bedroom at home neared this.

"How did you do it? Thomas this is exquisite!" Sarah Downes said walking towards her daughter and her son- in- law.

"Thank you," Thomas laughed as the woman pulled him into a hug. She turned to her granddaughter as Elizabeth pulled off her hat and coat.

Thomas watched her walk the rooms. A smile settled on her lips but he couldn't shake the feeling from the night before.

"Elizabeth, darling, what's upsetting you?" He asked walking towards her and holding her hands in his.

She looked at her husband, shaking her head. She smiled wrapping her arms around his waist and leaning into him.

"It's just nerves I suppose. I'll be alright. It'll be forgotten by dinner," Elizabeth promised. She kissed his lips before turning to look at her mother. She wouldn't be able to stay long before the arrangements for leaving port set in.


"Cheer up flower. This is a good thing," Sarah smiled as she walked back towards the door with her daughter. Nearly everyone was on board now and they were nearly ready to go.

Elizabeth looked at her mother and nodded. The feeling wasn't going away and she knew Thomas was worried about her and she hated to think she was upsetting him.

"Take care of father. I'll write to you as soon as we dock. I love you," Elizabeth said, hugging her mother before one of the crew members came to help her off the ship.

She waved until her mother was out of sight. Turning to walk back to her room, she stopped as two men rushed passed her on to the boat. Watching them go, a small smile pulled on her lips. This would be a good thing. 


"Mommy, when is aunt Molly coming?" Heather asked watching her mother put on her jewellery for dinner.

She loved to watch her mother dress for her outings. Elizabeth was the most beautiful woman in her daughters eyes. She hoped to look like her one day.

"Tonight darling. You'll be asleep but I promise we'll see her for tea tomorrow. Now come, I'll tuck you in before I go," Elizabeth smiled, hand outstretched for her daughter to take.

"Now, you be good for Lucy, I don't want any trouble. I love you sweet girl," Elizabeth whispered kissing her daughters cheek softly. She brushed her gloved hand over her hair. Giving her one last smile before she was up and out of the room.

Bidding a goodnight to Lucy, Elizabeth fixed her gloves as she opened the main cabin door. She walked down the hallway smiling at a few friends before rounding the corner.

Catching sight of her husband at the end of the stairs she felt at ease once more. As long as she had him, everything would be fine.

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