Chapter Five

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Walking out to their private promenade deck, Elizabeth smiled watching her husband and daughter converse over their breakfast.

She always enjoyed watching the two together. The minute Heather was born, Thomas had become even more loving. Despite thinking it was out of the realm of possibility.

"Morning," Elizabeth said walking over to take her seat next to Thomas. She kissed her daughters head before sitting down and kissing her husband.

She smiled at Lucy who began pouring her tea before her porridge was set in front of her. She thanked the girl and suggested she get some food for herself if she wanted.

"I didn't hear you come back last night," Thomas mused sipping on his coffee as Lucy took the seat across from his wife.

They never treated her like an actual maid. Sure, her help was appreciated when they were busy but most of the time she was more of a nanny to Heather.

"I was only gone for a short while. Just to walk her back to her room and put her to bed. She's okay, I think," Elizabeth sighed as she sipped her tea before taking her spoon off the table.

Thomas nodded. He knew she'd tell him what happened when they were alone. They never did hide things from each other.

"We have lunch with Bruce, Molly, Ruth and the happy couple later. Will you be joining us?" Elizabeth asked looking at her husband. She hated going to tea most of the time.

On occasion she does join people she actually likes. Cal and Ruth De Wittbuckater are not people that she likes.

"Yes. I have to go after breakfast just for half an hour to see how things are going. I'll be back before lunch," he promised picking up the paper as looking It over.

"Well, would you look at that," Thomas laughed opening the page that covered Titanic. The picture taken of him and his family proudly splashed across a good bit of the page.

"Oh my... it is a nice photograph," Elizabeth smiled looking over the photo. She wrapped her arms around her husbands arm, leaning her head on his shoulder.

She looked across at their daughter before looking back up at him. She narrowed her eyes at the look on his face.

"What would you say to another one?" Thomas asked looking down at his wife. He always wanted a big family and Heather was old enough now that they could have another.

"Really?" Elizabeth asked almost shocked. She always wanted more kids she just wasn't expecting Thomas to share in the same dream. Especially now with all his up coming projects.

He nodded, leaning in to kiss her as she smiled. She moved to wrap her arms around his neck as she kissed him back.

"Tonight," she whispered. They would be celebrating their sixth wedding anniversary the next day and she wouldn't mind starting the celebrations early.


Dressing her daughter for the day, Elizabeth smiled as her daughter babbled on about getting to spend the day with her parents. The activities the day before had been limited and children weren't supposed to attend dinner with everyone else.

"Now, remember what I told you?" Elizabeth asked crouching down face to face with her daughter.

She heard the door open and knew that was Thomas coming back to get ready for lunch. She was glad he was joining them, she didn't fancy being alone with the other people at the table. Apart from Molly.

"Don't speak out of turn. Don't make a mess when eating or drinking my tea," the little girl repeated in a bored tone.

She felt her heart ache looking at her child. Heather was extravagant in her personality. She had been since she could walk. She hated that the society she was growing up in would suppress her.

"I'm sorry bug," Elizabeth whispered bringing her daughter forward for a hug. She held her against her chest before rising from the floor holding her in her arms.

She always felt guilty suppressing her daughter like that. Even if it wasn't her fault. She already let her do things she wasn't supposed to.

"Right go play while I finish getting ready. We'll be going soon," Elizabeth said watching her daughter bounce over to her dolls.

Walking into the bedroom, she smiled at the sight of Thomas just putting on his coat. Turning around, she asked him to tie the laces on her corset.

"She won't resent you for any of this. I wish you would listen when I tell you that," Thomas whispered kissing her neck before pulling on the strings tightening the corset a bit.

He hated when his wife wore these. She was in pain after them a lot of the time but she insisted she wear them.

"I know... but look at her. She's so bright and bubbly," Elizabeth mused fixing her dress before putting her rings back on.

"Women will chew her up and spit her out if she doesn't conform to their ways," Elizabeth sighed looking to her husband who took her in his arms.

"With a mother like you? She could never be someone's rag doll," he said kissing her lips before taking her arm and leading her out of the room.

He lifted Heather into his other arm before they made their way out of the room and down to the tea rooms.

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