Chapter Twenty

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Trudging her way up a crewman's passage, Elizabeth felt her legs beginning to give up on her. She was tired. She didn't want to go on anymore.

All she wanted to do was get to her husband and stay there. If it hadn't been for Cal she would've been there sooner.

Watching as the oak walls of the smoking room came into view, she could've cried. The relief she felt from knowing that she was almost there was indescribable.

Rounding the corner she found her husband leaning against the fireplace. She managed to gather whatever strength was left in her to walk to him.

He turned at the sound of her footsteps. He held out his hand pulling her freezing body into him. Holding her as tight as possible.

"I love you, Elizabeth Andrews, but you're mad," he whispered kissing her head. He wished she had listened to him and had just gotten on a a boat. She'd be away and safe from here.

She shook her head, noticing he had shed his life jacket now. He really wasn't trying anymore. But then again, neither was she.

"I would've given myself two days before I died from a broken heart. Thomas, when I said you were it for me, I meant it. You are my everything," Elizabeth said looking up at him. The slight shake in her voice made him hold her tighter. She was freezing.

Thomas allowed a small smile to pull on his lips. He knew how she felt. He would've been the same way had the roles been reversed.

"But think of everything else you could do. Come on there's still time," Thomas said letting her go. He turned to leave the room. He wanted her to live. She was young, she could have a life.

"So you mean to tell me, you'll trudge the whole way to the top deck, try to get me to safety but evidently you'll stay on board," Elizabeth said standing rooted to her place. Her hand stretched out as he attempted to pull her along.

Her eyes were burning into his and he was sinking under her gaze. He knew as well as she did that Elizabeth wouldn't budge.

"You're barking, Thomas. No way am I getting on that boat or swimming anywhere if you're not by my side," Elizabeth said, her fingers squeezing his attempting to get him back to her.

Thomas went to protest again. Elizabeth could've married again. Had more children. Made more of herself. She could have another life away from him.

"No! God dammit enough, Thomas! Now, either we go up there and get off together or we stay here and face what lies ahead of us. But I won't go without you," Elizabeth yelled. Tears of anger and frustration burned in her eyes. She was exhausted. She couldn't stop thinking of the fact that they shouldn't be here.

They should be wrapped up in bed together. Heather should be fast asleep in her room. They should all be excited for this trip. Instead they were facing whatever end came to meet them.

Thomas tucked Elizabeth into his arms. His chin rested on her head. She stayed there, curled into him as he moved them to sit against the wall by the fireplace.

They sat in silence for what felt like hours. Thomas watching out the windows as the water started to block out the clear view. He refused to let his wife see what was going on behind her.

"What will Heather think?" Thomas asked starting to worry about his little girl. He knew she had Molly and Lucy and she wasn't alone but she didn't have her parents.

Elizabeth paused. For the first time in hours she thought about her daughter properly. She hoped she was far away from the boat now. She knew Molly wouldn't let her watch what was going on.

"She... she'll know we loved her. Still do. And Molly will raise her to know how much we cared for each other and her," Elizabeth whispered closing her eyes as her head rested on his shoulder.

Thomas nodded. He shifted his hold on his wife. Looking to the window, he could see the water covering all the glass. He could hear the creaking knowing the ship was about to split any minute. Watching the window, the cracks began to show. It wouldn't be long now.

"Elizabeth.... I love you," Thomas whispered kissing her forehead. He held her tightly as she moved to hold him a little tighter than before.

"I love you too," Elizabeth whispered kissing his lips. Holding him as tight as her fingers would allow. Her heart was racing. She couldn't get as close to Thomas as she wanted to.

Even though they had only gotten eight years together, it was enough for them. Better to have loved and lost then to not have loved at all.

In seconds, they were thrown forward. The ship completely thrust underwater as the creaking of the boards surrounded them. Elizabeth made sure she kept her hands linked with Thomas as the water came rushing through the ceiling of the stair case.

Looking to her husband once more, Elizabeth took the time to keep her eyes locked with his. This was the only thing she wanted to see in her last moments.

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