Chapter Six

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"Mummy look, it's Rose," Heather smiled looking over to the table they were sitting at. She loved Rose and loved when she came to visit or when they met in town.

Thomas set her down, allowing her to walk to the table. She headed straight for Rose who lifted the girl onto her lap and started talking with her.

"Promise me we won't stay long," Thomas said quietly so only his wife could hear. He too dreaded these outings based on the company they were in.

Elizabeth smiled, hiding a laugh. She knew Thomas and herself were well matched when it came to things like this. She hated them too.

"We are away the minute Ruth harks on about 'what a fine match it is with Hockley'," Elizabeth said mocking Ruth's voice.

Thomas could do nothing to hide the laugh that escaped him at the sound of that. His wife had a knack for mocking people and he enjoyed it immensely.


"and our master shipbuilder, Mr. Andrews here, designed her from the keel plates up," Bruce said smiling back to Thomas who went a bit read as he smiled.

His wife placed her hand on his knee, she knew she hated the attention on him. He always got rather shy.

"Well, I may have knocked her together, but the idea was Mr. Ismay's. He envisioned a steamer so grand in scale, and so luxurious in its appointments, that its supremacy would never be challenged. And here she is willed into solid reality," Thomas said banging his hand on the table.

He was proud of his work, no doubt. But it wasn't his idea alone and he would always give credit where credit is due.

"Why're ships always bein' called she? Is it because men think half the women around have big sterns and should be weighed in tonnage?" Molly asks, everyone laughed at Molly's comment. Everyone but Ruth.

The red head sat with a sour look on her face. She disliked Molly. It was no secret even if she thought she was brilliant at hiding it.

"Just another example of the men settin' the rules their way," Molly shrugged making her niece nod along. She knew the way men worked. Even if she had gotten lucky with her husband, he would still get farther than her.

Peeking at her daughter who sat next to Thomas eating her sandwiches, she smiled seeing how content she was. She hadn't done anything to draw attention to herself apart from when Bruce and Molly cooed over how adorable she was.

A dip in conversation occurred until Rose lit a cigarette at the table. Something women weren't supposed to do. But Rose, Elizabeth and Molly were all partial to a cigarette now and then.

"You know I don't like that, Rose," Ruth scolded. Elizabeth rolled her eyes at the woman. She was always like that. Even when they were growing up. It just got worse after Rose's father left them.

Elizabeth frowned at the feeling of nausea suddenly welling up in her. She didn't know what had happened she had been fine until now. She took a deep breath to calm herself knowing it was nothing and it would pass.

Her breathing didn't help. It had quickly become ragged and she gave a cough trying to cover up the noise. She hoped Thomas wouldn't notice. She didn't know what was happening. Her heart was racing in her chest.

"She knows. We'll both have the lamb. Rare, with a little mint sauce. You like lamb, don't you sweetpea?" Cal says stumping out the cigarette. He did love Rose but even more so, he liked that he could control her.

"So, you gonna cut her meat for her too there, Cal?" Molly asked jokingly after seeing what went on between him and Rose.

Elizabeth laughed softly still trying to breathe through the nausea. Her breath still hadn't been evened out.

"Hey, who came up with the name Titanic? Was it you, Bruce?" Molly asked shifting the conversation. It was about to get awkward so she'd rather one of the men speak up.

Elizabeth zoned out what the other man was saying. She couldn't focus on anything but the feeling of needing to throw up.

"Do you know of Dr. Freud? His ideas about the male preoccupation with size might be of particular interest to you, Mr. Ismay," Rose perked up making Thomas choke back a laugh before his wife hit his thigh trying to suppress her own laugh.

The three on one side couldn't help themselves before Rose stood up and left. Leaving them behind while Cal followed her out.

"Right well, we best get off too. I promised Heather I would show her the view from front of the ship. Are you coming darling?" Thomas asked standing with his hand extended to his wife.

She nodded gratefully asking Molly if she was joining them. That left Bruce and Ruth at the table. The rest were just glad to be out of there.


"What happened to you at lunch there?" Molly asked. She had noticed her niece becoming pale with a sickly green tint to her skin.

"I'm not quite sure. I felt rather ill all of a sudden. It's passed now but I did think I was going to have to leave the table," Elizabeth admitted leaning against the railings.

Molly looked at her niece. She could see the signs of anxiety that were welling up in the girl. She could also see that she was hiding them from the very people who could help her.

Looking up, she smiled at the sight of Thomas holding their daughter, pointing out some passing dolphins.

Molly nodded at the girl she went to ask her if she was okay but decided against it. She had seemed out of sorts since they had met the night Molly boarded. She never knew Elizabeth to be like this.

They were stationary for now, waiting to get the all clear to move from Queenstown onwards. Looking out, the island of Ireland looked so pretty. Cliffs rising high above the water.

"You ever been?" Molly asked, nodding her head towards the island. She had always wanted to travel there and see what it was like.

"Just County Down. Thomas is from there and we've been over a few times to visit family. I have always wanted to see more. I want Heather to see it too," Elizabeth mused turning her head to her aunt.

"Well if you're ever taking a trip, let me know. I'd love to join you," She smiled linking arms with the younger woman and walking over to Thomas and Heather.

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