Red frosts sorrow.

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Something about brindle paw felt weird. This morning when we got ready for patrol brindle paw didn't wait. She didn't even eat. She dashed off out of the camp and raced after bush paw. Stripe flight, the youngest Tom in clan, races after them. I though, much older, I walked out of camp. Walking along the patrol at lead. Through the woods and near the forbidden territory. Suddenly river paw and brindle paw were gone. "Stripe flight!! Whee are the apprentices!!" I yowled. Stripe flight whipped around, "what! This better not be a joke," growled stripe flight. I glanced at stripe flight, "would I joke about losing my apprentice," I growled at him. Bush paw suddenly screeched. It pierced my ears, "what's wrong Bush paw?" I Mewed. Bush paw trembled and shook. "R-r-riv-river paw, h-he's dead," Bush paw trembled. I glanced slowly at the river. A gray bloody body floated slowly down the stream. That is river paw, but where's brindle paw!! I ran around the river for awhile. "Brindle paw!! Brindle paw," I yowled while running along the rocky side of the gorge. Stripe flight slowly removed river paws body from the stream. "Go back to camp, bush paw, go get your mom, or dad," stripe slight ordered bush paw. Bush paw ran back to camp. I continued to look for brindle paw. I loved her, I couldn't bare to lose her. "Brindle paw," I Mewed tears swelling in my eyes. "Brindle paw," my voice cracked in fear and sadness. Tears welled out of my eyes. I sat and cried. Who knows how much time past. Stripe flight woke me up. I woke up slowly and weakly. River paw was near us. His bloody cold matted body sat lifeless. "Is he alive," I asked weakly. "He didn't make it," Mewed stripe flight softly. Ivy sand stood over his body. Her tears came out more violently. She cried hard, wailing out in sadness. Prickle star was also standing next to his son, he licked his pelt clean. I felt her pain, my mate was dead too, but where was brindle paw. Stripe flight never found her body. "Is brindle paw dead?" I Mewed. "I don't know," he meowed, "we never found her, which means she could've lived," stripe flight Mewed slightly happily. I sniffed, "right, I guess that's some good news," I Mewed weakly. I got to my paws, my legs trembled. Stripe flight stood there to help support my weight. We walked back to camp. Ivy sand and prickle star carried river paw back to camp. I struggled to make it to the entrance and into camp. Once at camp I went to my den and slept. Ivy sand and prickle star placed there son In the middle of camp. Every cat came to say good bye to him. I slept. Brindle paw, she was probably dead, too. Whatever happened to river paw probably happened to her, too. Some cat wrapped around me to comfort me. I opened one of my eyes to see a soft brown pelt with bright colored spots, it was speckle tail. She softly licked my head. I fell asleep next to her. I loved brindle paw more than her, but speckle tail will have to do if brindle paw is dead.

Red frosts sorrow, prickle stars race, and river paws glowWhere stories live. Discover now