Red frosts gone

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Me and fog paw were half way into black clan when a patrol stopped us. "Hey, you rogues ought to leave," growled a dark Tom. I didn't know what to say. A dark Tom, blue she cat, and a white Tom surrounded us. "I tell you these rogues don't know anything about territories," growled the blue she cat. The white cat shook his head, "flea bags," he growled. "No, you see-," I started. "What do we see, rogue? You just want to steal our prey," growled the dark Tom. "I'm looking for my father," I finished. The dark Tom looked at me, "what's a old cat like you looking for your father," he meowed. "My mother thinks I'm moused brain to try to find him," I growled. The dark Tom looked at me in surprise, "huh,
Didn't think a Tom like you'd be so interested into finding your father," he grumbled. "Who's this," growled the white cat looking at fog paw in curiosity. "Just a friend," I said. Fog paw looked around at the cats. Fog paw was being very quiet. I looked back at the cats, "were from ivy clan, my mother is one arch, any of you toms know a one arch?" I asked. The dark Tom looked in surprise, but he quickly hid it. "No one here knows a one arch," the white Tom meowed. The dark Tom sighed, "I don't know what you young rats are trying to do, but you ain't my son, I HAVE NO KITS!" He growled. I looked at him in surprise, the white Tom gasped and the she cat shook her head in confusion. "So you're my dad," I said happily. "No," the Tom growled, "me and one arch did not have kits together. That's impossible," his voice raised in anger. I looked at the Tom, him, this cat right there was MY father. "She just didn't tell you," I meowed. "How many," he asked, "how many kits do I have," he grumbled softly. I looked at my father, "five, there's five of us," I answered. The white cats eyes were wide in shock and the she cat looked at the ground in confusion. "I'm raccoon face, I guess I'm the father,," he meowed looking at the ground in shock. He shook his head, "h-how old are you, how long did one arch keep this from me," he growled. "We are just about 5 years old," I answered. The white cat looked at me, "well, come on kid, let's go back to camp," he meowed and walked away. The she cat followed. Raccoon face hesitated for a moment, "well, come along. You will be welcomed in our camp," he meowed turning to follow the other cats. I walked behind my father and fog paw followed me.
We made it to there camp quick. Once we were there raccoon face sat and looked at the sky, "why, why did one arch keep this from me?" He asked his ancestors. I didn't mind, maybe it was for good reason. I sat next to raccoon face, it was dark out, getting dark. It was hard to see properly in the dark over grown forest. The sun started setting slowly. "Well aren't you going to head home?" Raccoon face asked. "No, I'll stay the night," I answered. "Fine, then I'll go talk to scarlet star," he meowed leaving to go into her den. The white Tom looked at me, "I'm snowy drift, by the way, I'm your uncle," he meowed. I looked at snowy drift, "really?" Snowy drift giggles softly, "really," he answered. I noticed slight graying on his muzzle. The she cat sat grumbling softly to her self. "HEY," she yowled sharply. I jumped slightly at her snap. Fog paw raced over back to me and hid behind me. "That little rat was trying to steal our prey," she growled, she looked at fog paw and snarled at him. "R-at-raccoon face said I could eat," fog paw stuttered. I stepped I front of the she cat with my chest puffed out, trying to seem bigger and tougher than I actually was. My claws instinctively slid out. I growled at her and arched my back in an attack position. She also got down and crouched in a fighting position. We growled at each other. She leaped and I sliced her stomach with my claws. She growled in slight pain. She whipped around and clawed at my back. My paws flailed as I was pinned to the ground with her sharp claws. "Rose snare!!!" Yowled a she cat. Rose snare jumped off of me. A bright red ginger she cat came out of a den. Raccoon face followed her. "Our visitors can eat! Go cleans the elders den!!" She demanded! Rose snare walked away. I looked at my dad. My dad!!!! My dad! My dad!!!! I still couldn't believe!

Red frosts sorrow, prickle stars race, and river paws glowWhere stories live. Discover now