River paws drift

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I was dead know. My spirit drifted from my body. I watched my mother and father cry and mourn my body. They brought me back to camp and put my dead body in the middle. Cats slipped out of there dens and when they saw my body they all gasped in surprise. Ivy sand curled around my dead body, like i was a kitten again. She slept with my body the whole night. My father guarded her, all night. In the morning bush paw, seed paw, and gorge paw helped bury me. I didn't want to leave them. Not yet, it's too late! There's nothing I can do. I stood there, as a ghost, watching them kick dirt onto my body. Dirt piled up until my body was completely buried. I hate this. I should be at the top of the hill with brindle paw, proving her wrong that breeze clan doesn't exist. Speaking of that I should probably go to the gorge where I died. I floated off into the woods, the pine no longer crunched under my paws, the branches no longer could smack my face. Rain started to drop down, but I didn't get wet. When I got to the gorge I leaped Into the water, but I didn't get wet, the water didn't take me down stream, the cold no longer gripped. I swam til I got to the cliff. I grabbed on and climbed no problem, cuz my paws couldn't slip because they could never grab on, I floated. Slowly yet surely I floated to the top. It was just a big open field, with trees and— DOGS?! I whipped around until I saw my sister, was she with a DOG?! She found breeze clan?! She did it. I couldn't help but be excited and proud of brindle paw, I could tell the loss of me clearly slowed her down. But the find of this ancient clan made me happy for her. I always thought that if breeze clan was a thing, well, they'd all be dead. But no, there alive, they hunt like us, they believe in moon clan like us! They have kits and apprentices like us. There like us, but dogs! I was so happy to finally find something! I walked to brindle paw, I softly licked her ear. She twitched slightly and looked at me, I thought brindle paw was seeing right through me until her eyes shined brightly and she looked at me with the biggest smile ever. I felt happy for her. "I told you breeze clan was real," brindle paw whispered so to not draw attention to herself. "I know now," I whispered back. "I was wrong, brindle paw, and I promise to visit you in your dreams," I Mewed. Suddenly a drift of wind took me away. I knew what was happening, I'm going to moon clan. "I love you," I meowed before disappearing into moon clan. Everything went black then I was in the most beautiful place in the world. Starry cats stood everywhere. This was it, moon clan. This is where I'll live. This is where I'll visit brindle paw in her dreams. This is awesome!! I saw cats, but I even saw dogs, too! Many dogs and cats welcomed me to star clan and showed me around. It was beautiful and I loved it. The first night came and I drifted back down to earth. I walked to breeze clan where brindle paw was curled with a bluish gray dog with red and yellow patches.

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