River paws no longer

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The river paw chapters will no longer be, if I go on I'll be going to far, and i don't know what to write about flutter kit. His chapters were to find out that he was flutter kit, reincarnation. Since his chapters were for this, I might not write anymore unless something important happens to flutter kit, which might not happen. So I'm not writing anymore, I don't know what to write about him. It'll just get boring and I'm going with nothing interesting happening. So say goodbye to river paw chapters,
But not to river paw. Flutter kit will still be a main character but I don't wanna write anymore chapters. So the next chapter after this will be about red frost. Sorry for getting rid of river paws chapters but I didn't know what else to do. Instead I may write chapters for speckle tail or raccoon face. But I'm not sure yet.

Red frosts sorrow, prickle stars race, and river paws glowWhere stories live. Discover now