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Martha: "Hi Bruce! How was your day?"

Bruce: "Not too bad. I managed to find 57 of the Principal's question mark trophies."

Martha: "Lovely. Your father and I were wondering if you'd like to invite your friends over for dinner tonight. We'd love to meet them."

Bruce: "Sure."

(Later that night)

Peter: "Gimme some milk."

(MJ poured milk down Peter's face and fed him cookies)

(The Waynes were uncomfortable while Bruce's head was permanently on the table)

(Clark and Lois nervously chuckled)

Martha: "So..Clark. Tell us something about yourself. Where do you live?"

Clark: "Well..it's an..enchanted forest! Abundant in squirrels and..cute little duckies and.."

Peter: "What?! A hahaha. I know you ain't talking about the farm!"

Clark: "Peter!"

Thomas: "An alien from a farm. Oh how original."

(Clark and Bruce choked on their food dramatically while MJ poured milk on Peter's pants)

Martha: "Thomas! That's no way to treat our guest."

Thomas: "Well for his type yes!"

Clark: "My type?"

Peter: "Imma need a change o pants."

Bruce: "Alright this dinner is officially cancelled. Come on guys I'll walk you out."

Thomas: "No wait. I'm sorry. It's just Clark saved our lives the other night. So I did research on him and I'm having trouble processing what I found. I'm very sorry for my despicable behavior earlier."

Lois: "It's uh..great pizza.."

Alfred: "Thank you ma'am."

Martha: "See? Everything's fine. So Bruce why don't you have a girlfriend? All your friends do."

Bruce: "Mom!"

Clark: "Well he doesn't like to talk about it but Bruce certainly has feelings for this girl Selina who goes to our school."

Bruce: "...I'm gonna kick your ass, Kent."

Peter: "Fellas please. There's only one way to settle this. Arm wrestle."

Lois: "Ha! Smallville would win. Hands down."

MJ: "Have another cookie!"

(Smashes cookie down Peter's face)

Peter: "That's good."

(Everyone started bickering, the volume level was making it hard to focus but Clark did manage to hear a distinct sound approaching from outside, a sound he recognized)

(At the same time, Peter felt a strange ringing sensation, it was some sort of sense that didn't yet make sense)

Clark: "Everybody down!"

(Wayne Manor exploded around them)

Young Heroes Episode 4 Where stories live. Discover now