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(Spider-Man punched Goblin's head repeatedly as they approached the Gotham bridge)

Spider-Man: "You killed my uncle!"

Goblin: "Hee hee hee."

Spider-Man: "No..more..laughing!"

(Webs his face)

(Superman tackled Goblin off his glider as Spider-Man leapt out of the way and webbed Superman's boot, so as to hang on to the mid air action)

(Superman punched Goblin's face, cracking his helmet before throwing him onto the top of the bridge)

(Goblin kept laughing despite his pain as Superman and Spider-Man landed on the bridge)

Spider-Man: "Let's get a good look at that gorgeous mug."

(Uses Web to yank Goblin's mask off)

Spider-Man: "Harry?"

Harry: "Ha ha! Didn't see that coming did ya, Pete?"

Spider-Man: " do you.."

Harry: "Know who you are? Please. My father, Lex Luthor and I have been working together this entire time. My father and I are both the Green Goblin. We take turns, you see. It wasn't I who killed your uncle. That was dad."

Spider-Man: "I can't believe what I'm hearing. You were my friend. And you! Betrayed! Me!"

Harry: "Uh.."

Superman: "Why? Why attack us? Why kill the Waynes?"

Harry: "Lionel Luthor tried to off Tommy Wayne but you put a stop to that bullet didn't ya? So my dear old dad wanted to accomplish what Lionel failed to do. He has his own issues with Tommy anyway. That's also why he tried to kill Bruce.  But right now He and Lexy are on their way to Luthorcorp to finish off Lionel once and for all."

Spider-Man: "We gotta stop em."

(Webs up Harry)

Superman: "Agreed. Let's go. Need a lift?"

Spider-Man: "Actually...nah. Think I'll swing. I'll race ya."

(Superman grinned)

Superman: "I'd give you a head start but lives are at stake so.."


Spider-Man: "I hate it when he does that. Also how did he do that?"

(Bruce entered the applied sciences division of Wayne Enterprises)

Lucius Fox: "Mr Wayne? Are you all right? Anything I can help you with sir?"

Bruce: "As a matter of fact there is. I'm gonna need a suit."

Lucius: "As in...a tuxedo?"

Bruce: "No. Something...elemental. Something terrifying."

Lucius: "...well I suppose Halloween is right around the corner. Let's see what we can do."

Young Heroes Episode 4 Where stories live. Discover now