Two Goblins, Three Heroes

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(The explosion sent the three heroes onto the rooftop as Superman managed to carry Lex and Norman up there to safety just in time)

(Harry freed his father from the webbing with a well aimed razor bat)

(Norman hopped on his glider as both Goblins masked themselves)

(They circled Superman, Spider-Man and Batman on the Luthorcorp rooftop, laughing maniacally)

Green Goblin: "At last! A son I can be proud of!"

New Goblin: "Whatever dad!"

Batman: "Time to put aside our differences and kick some Goblin ass?"

Superman: "Yeah. Time to put aside our differences and kick some Goblin butt."

Spider-Man: "I would have gone with something a little less crude in case kids are listening but whateves."

(The three attacked both Goblins, an explosive climactic action sequence broke out)

(Superman ripped a glider in two, causing New Goblin to fall as Spider-Man swing kicked him)

Spider-Man: "That was for trying to invite MJ to Europe without me!"

(Batman threw Batarangs as Green Goblin threw razor bats)

(At a certain point Batman threw the razor bats back at Goblin while Goblin threw the Batarangs)

(Spider-Man flipped, kicked and punched New Goblin, knocking him into Superman's chest as he stood there)

New Goblin: "Ow! Rock solid pecs!"

(Superman kicked him lightly, knocking out Harry)

(Batman grappled Norman off his glider as Superman exploded the glider with heat vision)

(Spider-Man delivered an uppercut to Norman as Batman kicked him in the back)

(Norman landed on the roof hard, the fight beaten out of him)

Norman: "You can arrest me! But I'll get out! Again and again! And I'll kill everyone you love!"

(Spider-Man webbed his face)

Spider-Man: "Sorry. What was that?"

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