Luthorcorp Confrontation

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(Lionel relaxed to opera music when Lex entered)

Lionel: "Oh...Lex. To what do I owe the um...pleasure?"

Lex: "Honestly dad? I just wanted to see the look on your face."

Lionel: "The look on my..?"

(The Green Goblin smashed in through the window, Lionel stumbled back as the Goblin hovered menacingly on his glider)

(Goblin grabbed Lionel by the shirt)

Goblin: "Lionel, you slime!"

Lionel: " I know you?"

(The Goblin mask retracted revealing Norman's face)

Lionel: "Ah."

Norman: "It would be so easy to squash you like a bug right now. But I promised your son he could do the honors."

(Norman tossed Lionel onto the floor with the window just behind him)

(Lex approached with a gun in hand)

Lionel: "Lex..son. Please. You don't want to do this. I'm um...your only family."

Lex: "The Osborns have been a hell of a lot closer to family to me than you could ever hope to be."

Lionel: "Okay..okay...I know I've been a terrible father. Just awful. But I promise I can change. People change, Lex."

Lex: "No. They don't."

(Lionel was only a few centimeters away from the shattered window now, with Lex standing right in front of him, their eyes locked on each other's)

Lionel: "Lex...if you do this..there will be no redemption for you. No redemption."

Lex: "...I was raised in your you're gonna die in one will even remember your name."

(He shoved his father out the window)

(Before Lionel hit the ground he was caught by someone)

(Lionel found himself safe and sound on the sidewalk)

(Superman burst into the office, Norman readied a Kryptonite pumpkin bomb but a quick heat vision shot from Superman's eyes exploded the bomb in Norman's hand, sending him flying into the wall)

Lex: "You''re Clark Kent. Stay back! Or I'll tell everyone your secret!"

Superman: "I'm not afraid. You've murdered innocent people."

Spider-Man: "Like my uncle."

(Lex spun around and saw Spider-Man on the ceiling)

Lex: " can't...Norman do something!"

(Norman picked himself up but was quickly webbed up by Spider-Man)

Spider-Man: "Sorry. Normie's a bit tied up. Cliché I know."

(Superman picked up Lex and stared him down)

Lex: " can't arrest me. My lawyers would never allow it."

Mysterious voice: "Then maybe I'll do worse."

(Batman launched out of a vent and tackled Lex right out of Superman's hand and punched him hard)

Superman: "Stop! You're gonna kill him!"

Batman: "I! Don't! Care!!!"

(Spider-Man webbed Batman who quickly tossed an electrified Batarang which ran through the Web and shocked Spider-Man, knocking him down)

(Superman grabbed Batman and shoved him into a wall)

Batman: "Why are you protecting scum like him?! You even saved his horrible father!"

Lex: "My..father..isn't...?" (Lex passed out)

Superman: "Murder isn't justice. I'm sorry I couldn't save them, Bruce. I should have been able too."

Batman: " know who I am?"

Superman: "Yeah. Recognized your voice. Not to mention I can see through your cowl."

Batman: "Heh. Well look at Mr perfect here. He gets all the powers. Doesn't even need to earn them. No no you were just born this way."

Spider-Man: "Okay guys. Now really isn't the time for this. Or the place."

Superman: "He's right. We should be able to get Norman and Harry arrested right? Come on, Bruce. We'll help you through all this. We're your friends."

(Batman eyed Norman and walked over to him)

Batman: "Was it you? Did you destroy my home?  Did you...kill my parents?"

(Norman grinned sadisticlly)

Norman: "Of course I did."

(Batman roared and punched his face before Superman grabbed his arm)

Superman: "It wasn't him. It was Harry."

Spider-Man: "Who also needs help and shouldn't get his face beaten either."

Batman: "...Harry Osborn? ....where is he?"

Superman: "Bruce..."

Batman: "WHERE IS HE??!!"

Harry: "Right here."

(Harry hovered outside the window on his glider and tossed a pumpkin bomb inside)

Young Heroes Episode 4 Where stories live. Discover now