Diverging Journeys

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(A funeral was held for Thomas and Martha Wayne)

(Clark and Peter tried to help Bruce but he was growing very distant, even Selina could do nothing to lift Bruce's spirits)

(After the funeral)

Bruce: "Alfred. I'm going to leave."

Alfred: "Leave? Master Bruce, where will you go?"

Bruce: "I...I'm not sure yet. Travel the world. Maybe learn a thing or two."

Alfred: "Would..would you like me to join you sir?"

Bruce: "...I need to do this alone. But I'll return one day. I promise."

(Clark entered the storm cellar and looked over his space ship, he found some kind of metallic key)

(He found himself wandering the Arctic and threw the key into the snow which built a large crystal structure)

(Peter swung around with Mary Jane in New York City and they shared an upside down kiss on the Empire state building)

(Lois Lane got a reporter job in Metropolis and invited Clark to join her, Clark was a bit hesitant at first but was eventually convinced)

(And eventually,  Metropolis, New York and Gotham each had their own unique hero)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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