The Goblin and the Cave

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(Clark had managed to get almost everyone outside to safety)

Bruce: "My parents..where are my parents?!"

Clark: "I'm going back for them right..!"

(A second explosion erupted, knocking everyone back)

(Bruce saw two flaming bodies trapped in the dining room, it was clear who they were)

Bruce: "!!!"

(Clark, Peter, MJ, Lois and Alfred looked on as Bruce dropped to his knees and punched the ground)

(Bruce turned to Clark with rage in his eyes)

Bruce: "Why...couldn' Save Them?!"

(Clark felt so guilty he couldn't form a response when a familiar cackle sounded above)

(The Green Goblin flew down from the dark skies, laughing)

(Bruce's fist clenched and wanted nothing more than to rip the Goblin to pieces)

Alfred: "Master Bruce. Please..we...we must get to safety."

Bruce: "Don't try and stop me, Alfred. I'm ending this. Now."

(He went to march towards the Goblin when a web stopped him in his tracks)

Spider-Man: "Sorry dude. You'll only get yourself hurt. We'll take care of this."

(Spider-Man tackled the Goblin who flew off as Superman took off after them)

Lois: "So...both our boyfriends got super powers and suits?"

MJ: "Yup."

Lois: "Huh."

(Bruce ripped himself free of the webbing and ran off)

Alfred: "Master Wayne! Bruce!"

(Bruce ran as hard as he could across his front yard when suddenly he lost his footing and fell through a dark chasm)

(He picked himself up and couldn't see a thing)

(Then his eyes widened in terror as a pair of wings flapped as something flew towards him)

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