part 4: false news?

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Two weeks had already went by, two longs weeks without the blonde haired, ray of sunshine. The posters started fading away, everyone thought she was dead, except firehouse 51 and the intelligence unit, they weren't excepting it, no way, they were going to find her.

Intelligence felt like this was a dark hole, they had nothing, it had already been two weeks. They could barely keep themselves together being that they were very close to Harper too.

"ring ring ring" "Voight" "okay we'll be there shortly" hank says with a very sad look. "the morgue just got a kid with Harpers exact description, we have to go in and ID the body, Antonio you're with me" hank said. Everyone then felt themselves slipping away and Hank Voight could see it. "Come on guys we have to keep ourselves together, it may not be her." "Come on Antonio we have to go" Hank said rushing.

When they go in, the medical examiner shows the body. The child looks like Harper but this kids face is severely burned. "good gosh who would do something like that" Antonio says. "a piece of shit, that's who" Hank says angrily. "it looks like her, this child definitely went through pain, she was burned post-mortem" the medical examiner said. Hank and Antonio both look at the ground as if they are about to break. "Does the dental records match perfectly?" Hank asks. "Everything matches perfectly exce-"Antonio then cut her off "this is great, how are we going to tell Kelly this?" Antonio says sadly. "Detective" the medical examiner says, trying to get him to listen. "The child here has leg and arm breaks from when she was younger and Harper is a completely healthy child" Hank and Antonio then give a sigh of relief. "Thanks doc" they say.

"Where the hell is she man, we gotta find her it's already been two weeks". "Kelly" Antonio says as he walks up the stairs. "Did you guys find anything?" Kelly question hopeful. "no man i'm sorry" Antonio says sadly. And then shakes his head at the rest of the group signaling that the body was not Harpers. "Kelly we told you to go home, we'll let you know if we find anything" Antonio says. "You know if it where Diego or Ava that you would be doing what i am" Kelly said furious. "I mean is she dead, i just want my daughter back" kelly says. He then breaks down and starts sobbing. "Come here man" Jay says. And pulls him into a comforting bear hug. "We're going to find her, you have to keep it together though, you know she wouldn't want you going crazy, she'd want you to be there for her and find her." Jay says while trying to comfort his friend. "I know man, i'm sorry, it's just hard, i'm sorry" Kelly said while trying to get himself together. "It's okay man, just go home, we're doing everything we can to find her i promise, get you some sleep, how long has it been since you got a full nights rest?" Jay questioned. "2 weeks" kelly said trying to hide his exhaustion. "Go home man" Ruzek said and patted him on the back. "Kelly" Stella said as she came up the stairs. "Come on let's go home" she said, pulling him into a hug and walking him out.

"I don't see how he's still standing" Ruzek said. "I don't see how he's getting through this, i can't imagine losing my sister or brother" Atwater said. "He's a tough guy, and Harper's a really strong and smart girl, she'll get through this" Hank said, trying to give his team hope.

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