part 7: The escape

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•Kelly's Pov•
       It had now been a month, the missing posters were rare to see now, they had been washed away or torn off. It's like she was forgotten. no... she's wasn't, not by me at least. i have to go to the intelligence unit, we have to get something, she has to be found.
I got dressed and grabbed my keys.
       "You guys got anything, anything at all?" i asked, desperate for answers. "Nah bro, we're still trying." Antonio said hopeful. "She's dead isn't she..?" i asked, slowly losing hope. No one answered, no one wanted to say what they were thinking, it was too hard to except. i just walked to the wall and slowly slid down. The last few weeks have been really tough, not just for me for everyone. It was like all the positivity surrounding me came from Harper. I started to doze off right there on the floor when my phone stared buzzing. "Unknown number" i said confused. "Put it on speaker" Hank told me. "Hello" "dad!". No way this was too unreal. "Harper?" I said in disbelief. "Yeah it's me" "it sounds so good to hear your voice, where are you, how are you calling?"  "Mike left his phone, me and jason are going to escape, it's the only way out" "Just tell me where you are we'll come get you" " i can't, i don't know where i am, but there's a hole in the wall so whenever Mike comes to get his phone we'll sneak through the wall and get out" "That sounds really risky, but there's no way else". "Mouse track that call" Jay said. "Hey stay on the phone as long as you you can, Mouse is getting your location" "Okay dad hurry, don't have much time." "You're the bravest and smartest person i know, and i miss you so much" "it's okay dad, i'll be home soon." I began to walk into the break room. "Hey, did he ever... um touch you in strange ways?" "No, hurry we have to go, he's coming!" "Kelly, we traced the call!" Antonio said running into the break room. "What the hell do you two think you're doing!?". Shit that must've been Mike. I heard running after that and shriek, and then Mike said, "get back here, where do you think you're going." And then he started cursing lowly under his breath. "They did it they got away!" I said, i was so happy i didn't even know what to do.
"Mike Gallagher and Jason Gallagher, Mike just got out of prison for assault and statutory rape." Ruzek told me and the team. "Hey i know that guy,Mike, his parents died in a fire that we responded to, that must be why he blames Firehouse 51." I said finally putting the pieces together. "I've never seen the kid but Harper was talking about him on the phone" i said. "Mike is 35 and Jason is only 14, just a kid" Erin said. "Can we go find my kid now?" I asked enthusiastically. "The cell phone pinged from an old abandoned house on 34th street, that is where she was being held, go get my little friend!" Mouse said with a grin. I can't believe it my daughter is finally coming home. "Let's roll" Hank said and we all put on bullet proof vest and rolled out.

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