Chapter Six

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Mathias and I are eating at a local diner. It's one he's been to once before with his friend Nick. I like the food here enough but in my opinion, Seline's cooking is better. I don't mention this though. Mathias ordered for both of us. He's having a burger with onion rings and lemon water. While I have sweet chili chicken wings with French fries and peach iced tea.  
Mathias asked what I wanted and I pointed to my choice on the menu. At first, I told him to choose but gace in afer he asked me to pick. He bites into his burger groaning at how good it is. I on the other hand eat away at my wings. They have flavor, a little messy but okay. On my side of the table, there are napkins littered. From me constantly wiping sauce from my hands and mouth. 
Mathias steals one of my fries but I don't mine. They're a bit salty. He chews his food washing it down with his drink. I keep eating my wings getting the sweet chili sauce all over my face. When I peer up Mathias has a large smile on his face, making his eyes glisten. 
How can a man be so beautiful? Mathias has all the traits women his age fall for. Kind, great personality, good looking, plus he's wealthy. Not that money should be the most important, hence why It's last on my list. If I was older I could totally see myself falling for him. How old is he anyway? I need to find out. 
"Zina you have sauce everywhere. Come let me help you." 
Mathias attempts to wipe my face for me. He sets the crumpled napkin down. Then surveys, me making sure I'm all clean. Mathias seems to think I'm good. When I go to pick up my last wing he uses his thumb to wipe the corner of my mouth. What he does next makes me discern something, that's never happened before. 
Mathias sucks the same thumb into his mouth, licking it clean. I nearly stop breathing at the sight. 
"Oops looks like I missed a spot." 
What just happened? I've never been so affected by someone else. Something about the ambiance in his brown eyes as he studied me while sucking his thumb did something to me. I don't know what exactly. Snap out of it Zina. Mathias didn't mean anything by it. He's likely old enough to be my father. 
I really need to find out how old he is. 
"You okay Zina. Are you full?" 
I mouth yes. I'm ready to go before I lose my mind. Mathias signals the waitress to bring the check. I wipe my hands and face one last time. A young girl seeming a few years older than me comes with our receipt. Mathias gives her a $50 bill. It seems way too much, but who am I to tell him how to spend his money. 
He thanks the girl as we leave. When we get to his ridiculous size Jeep he once again helps me in. From the bit of closeness, I get a hint of his cologne. It smells really good. I can't describe it but I want him to stay beside me so I can bask in the scent. I shake my head to stop myself from thinking about Mathias this way. 
He's my guardian. It's not right for me to have these thoughts. Get it together Zina. 
"Little one. You okay?" 
Mathias is sitting in his seat. I didn't realize he came in. I'm not okay. I don't know what's wrong with me. But I say the opposite of my actions. There's no way I can let him in on what goes on in my head. He'll probably leave me like my mom and father did. I don't want that. 
Mathias examines me with his keen eyes. Once he confirms I'm fine he drives off. Where I don't know but I hope its home. I'm tired and it's been a long day. Mathias fiddles with a nob in front of us and soon music begins playing. It's some happy-sounding pop song I don't know the lyrics to. 
"Do you want to go home or go do something fun." 
We stop at a traffic light. Curious I write on my phone fun like what? Mathias drives again when the light goes green. 
"I was thinking to see a movie, maybe go shopping." 
Hmm. I've never been to a movie theater. But shopping sounds fun too. We stop again so I show him what I think. What will we buy? Depending on what he says maybe I'll say we should go shopping. 
"Whatever you want Zina. Books,  games, clothes, or anything you else you like." 
Okay. I guess shopping couldn't hurt. What's the worst that could happen? I put up two fingers. Mathias is confused for a second before he gets I'm saying option two, us going shopping. Mathias drives to the destination. 
After another half hour, we pull into a large parking lot. There are many large buildings. He comes and helps me. I'm starting to really like this Jeep. 
"Let's go. Have you ever been to a shopping mall?" 
I shrug my shoulders because I'm not sure. He doesn't look surprised. Mathias takes my hand and holds it tighter than before. 
"Don't let go. I don't want you getting lost. Since its the weekend it may be crowded inside." 
I nod and we walk the way through the cars to go into the shopping mall. Inside there is a lot of people like Mathias suspected. I stand closer to him as we evade through the throng of crowds. Mathias seems to know where he's going. I take it all in, the different stores, smells, different kinds of people, children. This is what I was locked away from all those years I spent in that room.
Mathias heads first into a store that has electronics. I didn't get to see what's the store called. There is a lot of white and blue inside. We walk around aimlessly. After a while, I decided there wasn't anything I wanted in this store so I nudge him. When he has my attention I point to the exit. 
"Ready to go." 
I nod. We head to a different store that has all kinds of books. I look around pulling some from the shelves. Letting go of Mathias to have space to move. At a section titled YA Teens, I pull out more books even reading the summary of a few. Three books caught my eye the first titled Crave about a girl and a vampire, another titled the Perks of Being a Wallflower, which sounded on the lighter side, and last The fault in our stars which seems like a sad story. Perfect for me. 
"Want me to get you these?" 
I carry the books to where others are waiting with their own. Mathias gets my answer following with his soft laughter behind me. The line moves at a good pace with the 3 people at check out. In no time it's our turn. Mathias takes my books giving them to the young teen. He scans them letting us know the total is "$54.95. Will you be using a Barnes and Noble gift card today?" 
What's a gift card? Mathias says no and pays with a fancy looking black card. The teen bags up the items in a white and green bag with the store name on it. He tells us "thank you for shopping at Barnes and Noble. You have 14 days to make returns." 
Matias says "thank you." I can't wait to read the Crave book but I think I might like the third one the best. I turn to Mathias. Mouthing.
"Thank you." 
"No problem Zina. Do you want to shop some more or head home?" 
Home. That has a nice ring to go to it. I have a place to call home now. Granted it isn't mine but I'm starting to think of it that way. I show Mathias my phone after I typed let's go home. 
"Okay, Zina. Let's go home.
We've been home for an hour. Mathias left me to go shower. I was in my room reading the third book The fault in our stars. So far so good. I'm five chapters in. I like it. I think it's going to be a sad story. What time is? My phone is next to me so I grab it seeing 7:15. The day went by so fast. We spent all day outside. I know once it's time for bed I'll knock out easily. 
My feet are sore because I'm not used to walking so much. I use to spend my days sitting in the dark wasting away. It will be dinner time soon. I've read enough for today. I fold down a small triangle in a corner of the page I left off on. That way I'll know where to start reading next time.
I guess I can go see what Mathias is up to. I haven't been to his room yet. I know he said it's at the end of the hallway on the same side as mine. It shouldn't be too hard to find. I proceed to the end of the hallway. Coming to the last door. As I'm about to open it I stop.
What if I get in trouble for going in without asking? He wouldn't be too upset right. Oh well. I open the door. At the same time see Mathias comes out the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist. His chest is firm, with strong muscles contorting at his torso as he walks Into the bedroom. 
He seems also shocked to see me. We gape at each other. My eyes check out the bare skin of his abs. His rosebuds nipples and the drops of water left from his shower. 
Hearing him call my name I quickly cover my eyes. I really wish I wasn't afraid to speak right now so I can explain myself. What would I say? I'm sorry Mathias I can't help but stare at you. Ugh, something must be wrong with me. 
I hear him take a step closer. I back up not uncovering my eyes. This continues Mathias coming closer while I move backwards. My back hits a wall and I know I'm trapped nowhere left to go. I can't see him but I feel Mathias right next to me. I can smell him too and the delicious smell makes between my legs feel slippery. My breathe stop. 
What is happening to me? 
Mathias takes my hands away from my face. Forcing me to look at him. Thankfully his face doesn't seem angry. He peers down at me. I wish I could stop these feelings I have for him. Even my cheeks feel warm. Hopefully, he won't see I'm blushing. 
"Zina you don't have to be afraid. I'm not mad at you." 
He thinks I'm afraid. I don't think it's the right word to describe what I'm feeling. But I don't know how to describe it either. Mathias pulls me into a hug. He's like a bear, tall strong fortress. My head barely comes to his chest. 
"Why don't you shower while I get dinner ready. Does that sound alright with you?" 
I nod. Then leave his room. I don't dare look back. I can't bear what I might see if I do.
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