Chapter Seventeen

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I wake to Zina's knee rubbing my dick. Our first kiss all I can think about. Her lips their softness, their taste, everything. I hadn't expected Zina to lose herself like that. Especially since we were fully clothed. When she moaned after her release its something I'll never forget.
As much as I want her, I think it's best we take things slow. Slower than I would normally. This is new to her. I don't want to rush into anything. Like sex. I knew she was a virgin from the start. It doesn't mean I don't want her sexually. If anything it makes her more desirable. 
Eventually, we'll be fu*king like rabbits. Just not today. I move her leg. Thinking of dead animals to make my hard-on disappear. 
"Why'd you do that? You like it." 
"I do but it isn't the time. We have to get out of bed. Its midday. I need to schedule your eye appointment and get some other work done. I'll be working at home today."
Zina turns to me. 
"Really. You've never done that before."
It's been a long time since I've worked remotely. I prefer to keep business outside my home unless necessary. Today is a special day. I want to be as close to Zina as possible the entire day. I want her near me. I know if I go to King Enterprise tower I'll miss her and come back like last time. 
Its such an unfamiliar notion me needing someone. I've never been needy with my previous partners. This is totally new to me. I want to be next to her. I want to sense we're in the same ecosystem. That Zina is only a few steps away and at any given time I can go to her. 
It amazing to fathom this need for closeness, she brings out in me. A need I'm not used to feeling. There is still so much I want to learn about Zina. I've only just begun to peel back her layers. With each layer, I've left yearning even more. 
Zina is a moving collection of memories. Memories I have yet to know. If a person is an owner of their memory store, then a writer is the seller. I hope one day to be a buyer to Zina's store. I'll purchase the entire thing. 
"Hello, I'm calling to schedule an eye exam." 
"What is your date of birth?" A female asks over the phone. 
"It's not for me. It is 2/4/2003." 
"Name of the patient." 
"Zina Coleman." Hopefully, there's an opening this week. I'm sure Zina's vision is fine but I want to make sure. 
"Thank you. The next available day is Thursday. Do you prefer morning or afternoon?" 
I smile knowing Zina will like this. My ever sleeping Zina. 
"Is 12:30 okay?" 
"That's perfect." 
"Okay, you're all set. If you have to reschedule please try to call at least 24 hours before. Have a great day sir." 
"Thank you." Now that's taken care of I can finish working. 
Zina is In her room. Reading away. She's down to the last book. We should go get her more soon. I'll have to start a shelf for her in the library to house her books. I'm sure she'll love that too.
"I'm bored Mathias." 
Zina comes into my office. I'm busy working with my lawyer about getting Zina's medical records. It's a slow process but the first steps now are taken. I remove my eyes from the documents I was reading.
Zina comes around my desk. I make room for her. She climbs on my lap straddling me. Immediately I rose below hitting inside her. She holds my neck gripping the hair at the base. Her little hands call forth tingles on my scalp where they touch.
"I'm working. little one." 
"I know but I miss you. A break won't hurt." 
"Okay. What do you want?" 
Zina caresses my hair. Her perky breast against my hard muscles. The disproportion of our height difference makes her face in my chest. I hold her closer.
"I want you, Mathias. I want to hold you." 
She does drawing me closer. Her soft flesh molds to me. I want her too. All of me wants to have her. Kiss her, tease her, taste her. So much I want to do and do with her. 
"Hold me then. But not too long. Can I ask you something?" 
Her face turns looking up at me. Gorgeous hazel eyes honeyed from the light. Making their golden swirl with green and brown. She's a vision. All delicate and beautiful. 
"Do you want to go to school online or in-person?" 
"School? Why you ask?" 
"I'm going to enroll you, little one. Your education is important." 
"Do I have to be around other people?" 
Her question brought my attention to her fear. Crowds of people. Like when we went shopping, the amusement park. I never thought about this. 
"If you're in class there will be students but online it will just be you and the teacher. Which option sounds better?" 
"The one with fewer people." 
I figured. I wonder if Zina has social anxiety. It could be from being in captive for so long. I sometimes forget she's not used to the outside world like I am. I have to be cautious with the things she's introduced to for the first time. 
How is it going to work when she meets my family for the first time? I haven't even though what I'll say when they ask me who she is. 
I'm not ashamed of her but I know my parents won't accept us together since Zina is so young. She's close in age to my younger brother. I'll have to cross that wall when I get there. 
Zina snuggles into me. I hold her like she'll disappear if I let go. I forget about my work standing with her in my arms. Her legs wrap around me. Leaving my office I go to my room. Along the way, Seline pasts us with a laundry basket with folded clothes. She stares at Zina and I. Not saying a word as she continues to Zina's room. Probably to put them away.
I notice the slight turn up of her lips. Seline supports us. Zina didn't notice. Her face in my neck turned the other way. I enter, go to the bed. Sitting on the edge with Zina in my lap. She's wearing a flowery cotton dress with thin straps. It goes well with her skin tone. 
I feel no bra with how attached we are. Zina plays with my hair her small fingers crawling through from root to ends. I almost want to purr at how good it feels. I can get used to her affection.
"Mathias, can I kiss you?" 
No one has asked me that. The woman from my past are confident, assertive in their approach. Zina is the complete opposite. I find it endearing and refreshing.
I tilt my head. She takes the lead. Placing her sweet lips on mine. She angles her head so we are molded deeper. I open allowing her to have control as she cautiously nips my bottom lip. Her inexperience makes my balls weep. I taste her as our tongues meet. Slick and wet rough against the other. They twirl and collide slowly. 
I taste her mouth. Her essence on my tongue. I hold her neck. My breath losing as I begin needing air but I fight it. Holding out widening my mouth to make more room. This kiss is everything I wanted and everything I needed all in one. My tongue dances with Zina's as I take control applying more pressure to her neck. Fuck. Me. I suck her tongue into my mouth. As she plays with my own.
Zina pulls away. I breathe In deep. Filling the capillaries. Oxygen swims through my lungs burning. I needed air but I needed her lips more. It's such a shame we had to stop. Zina's cheeks are red. I stare at her holding her to me. I want her.
"Zina. I love kissing you." 
"Me too." 
Nothing gives me more pleasure. I could kiss her forever. I just might. 
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