Chapter Fifteen

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As I lead the brunette to the bed, I start to back out. Nick and I had gone out for drinks at a local bar. We had glasses of scotch while I vented about my conundrum with Zina. Nick sip his drink, listening without any judgment as he promised. I told him about how hard it is not crossing the line. That thin line of taboo. 
I want to so bad. What if it's only an itch that once scratched will ruin our relationship? The crafted father role, child relation between Zina and I. Once I cross that door they'll be no going back to how things were. I've consider if it isn't an itch but a plague, once I fall in I'll never be able to be with anyone else again. 
I'm not ashamed to admit I've never been in love. I've felt attraction, lust, desire but not love. It hasn't been on the table. I explained it Nick. "What if I fall in love with her." What if I get my heartbroken? I guess that's what I'm most worried about. 
After my long spiel, Nick told me to forget about my worries and have fun. So we drank, danced with random women. We split up, him leaving with a blonde and me a brunette. Who I have every intention of fucking until I forget Zina. The brunette is all too eager as we arrived at the hotel. 
I booked us a decent suite. Not overlooking the dollar signs in her eyes as my black card is hand out. I still haven't even asked her name. It doesn't matter. I won't see her again after tonight. We enter the suite heading right for the bedroom. With each step I begin to second guess this. 
For some reason, it feels like I'm making a big mistake. Like I'm committing a sin. The brunette went into the room kicking off her heels. She wraps her hands around my torso. Eyes studying me with lust. I pull her over to the queen size bed. 
My palms start sweating. She lays down. I stand there looking down at her body. She has on a mini skin tight red dress. It's short and leaves nothing to imagine. I climb on top of her pulling done the straps. Edging it lower until her swell chest falls out. 
She bites her lips seductively as I undo my tye. I throw it to the floor. Leaning in I take one of her swollen nipples into my mouth. Drawing my tongue across the pebble. She lets out a breathy moan. Rubbing her thighs together. I can see she's already so excited by my small intent. When I go to do the same to the other my phone rings.
I pull it out my jacket seeing its Zina. My chest quakes reading her name. 
"Zina. What happened?" 
I'm surprised she's still up at this time. It must be important if she's not in bed. 
"Mathias. When are you coming home?" 
The worry in her voice is there. It startles me. She's worried about me. The brunette being impatient opens her mouth. She is unable to say anything. 
"Shhh," I said covering her mouth.
"Quiet. I won't be coming home tonight. Go to bed I'll see you tomorrow, little one." 
I hang up before Zina pleads with me to come home. Because if she did I will. All she had to do is beg me and I'll do anything she asks. I'll give her the world. I'll have sex with her. Deep deep down buried in a box, locked behind a metal door chained shut, is my desire to make love to Zina. If only she knew how much power she holds over me. 
"Who is that?"
I bring my attention back to the brunette underneath me. She's much older than Zina. But she doesn't hold a candle to her. 
"No one you need to know. Where were we?" 
I go back to playing with her nipples. After I fuck her hard and fast without any tenderness until my dick felt broken until my body grows tired until I fall asleep not thinking about Zina. 
When I rise the following morning I don't feel satisfied. I'm riddled with regret and betrayal for sleeping with the brunette. But most of all I'm enlightened it did nothing to quench my desire for Zina. It didn't take it away. In fact, It's like the wind to a flame. Making my need for her to grow. 
The brunette is fast asleep wrapped in the sheets. I get up and go to the bathroom. Using the toilet. I wash my hands than my face. I leave the bathroom dressing quickly. I leave the suite and head down to the lobby. I feel like an idiot. Why did I think a fling would make these feelings go away? 
Zina is going to be disappointed in me. I know she's smart enough to conclude what I was up to, staying out all night. I depart from the hotel after letting them know to send up room service to the girl. I'm sure she'll wake up angry I fuck her and vanished. The least I can do is make sure she's fed. 
Along the ride home. I hope and pray I didn't make things worst between Zina and I. The one thing I don't want is her hating me. Even if I deserve it. I get home quickly. Silencing the car. Its early morning 8 am. Zina won't be awake. Seline won't be here yet. 
I head In going straight upstairs. I was going to go to sleep right away but I detour to Zina's room. Knowing she's asleep I open without knocking. I wouldn't want to wake her. She grumpy in the morning. What I see nearly blows my breath right out of me.
Zina is holding her Mathias bear so tight. But that's not what takes my breath away. It's the sight of a naked Zina sleeping without a care in the world. She's on her side her ass, and back bare. When I'm close I make out her perky breasts tucked into Mathias. Her core Is thankfully hidden.
I ravish her nude form. The iridescent glow of her golden Carmel skin basking in the sunlight from the window. She literally glows with her dreds spraying all over behind her. Fuck. How can one person be so beautiful? She's like a work of art. Zina has no idea I'm watching her. 
I need to go now. I need to leave before I do something I can't take back. Leaving her room I go to my own. The image of Zina naked clouding my mind. Setting heavy like a thick fog. I shake my head to get rid of the image but it hovers over me. I need help. I need to shower even more.
Wash the brunette off me. I loathe her scent. It's a reminder of the crime I committed against Zina. There is no exclusive relationship between us. But still, I feel like I cheated. I broke her trust. 
Somehow still deep in sleep I sense when she comes on the bed. Her now clothed body curling into me. She tucks herself into my chest. Face pressed into my neck. Her soft petal-like skin brushes against me. Little sparks of shiver race down my body as I breathe in her smell. Light and airy like a summer breeze blowing through a field of flowers. 
Zina smells sweet. Like a warm summer day filled with popsicles, ice cream, and candy apples. I pull her closer. Adjoining us vertically as she weaves our limbs together. A simple move of tucking here and there, until she's wrapped so tightly I don't know where I begin and where she ends. 
Even though I fight it I enjoy her next to me. My muscles unfurl as I'm finally able to relieve the stress no alcohol or sex could deliver. Zina is the soothing touch that rests my spirit. I hate it's the case but my body soars as she holds me close. 
With each breath, I feel my walls slowly cracking. My defense crumbling. The chains loosening on that metal door. The small box containing my feelings peeking through in the dark. Heart beating, speeding up as I'm coming to recognize I'm sick of fighting it. I'm tired of running away, tired of lying to myself. I want her and I always did. 
These feelings were there when I saw her for the first time at the auction. There when I looked at her for the first time. There when I looked into those hazel eyes. There now as I hold her. Feel her, smell her, around me. I'm excited below. My member hardening with renewed awakening. 
"Zina," I growl. 
"Hmm. Your poking me." 
I chuckle at her discovery. I am.
"I'm sorry. Last night I slept with someone. She meant nothing. I did it thinking It'd make me realize I don't want you. It didn't because I do Zina. I was wrong. I want you."
She sounds so baffled. I am too. I didn't think I'd ever admit it to myself much less her. It's a scary thing to admit. But it's the truth. 
"Yes, little one. I feel the same way. I want you Zina. I was afraid of what these feelings mean. I've never felt this way for someone besides you. That scares me to admit and accept. But I've decided I can't keep running away. It will only make things worst."
Zina draws away from me. Her small round face comes into the frame. I survey her features. The first person I desire. Zina smiles brighter than the sun. Her pearly whites are straight. I smile too because her happiness makes me even happier. 
She holds my face pulling me in. Our noses touch our lips collide. Meeting in heat of acceptance. Battle of strength as I part them, nip with my teeth. Tasting in ways I've only dreamt, coming alive as we kiss like to lovers being kept alive by each other. I taste her love. She moves with less experience but its enough to make me weak. 
It's perfect. It's the kiss of my life. In it I feel free, I feel joy, I feel like I've come home. I feel love. 
Please don't forget to vote and comment!!! How was the wait for Zina and Mathias to finally get together? This was fun to write. How do you think their relationship will change? 

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