Chapter Twenty Five

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Zina worked while I watch. At her desk attentively listening to the instructor who went over Algebraic equations and whatever else you learn in high school math. All her attention on the laptop, she's bent over taking notes from. She seems so interested in all of it. Learning new things, answering and asking questions about things she understood and didn't. 
I want her to get the best education possible. We woke at 9. Her first class began two hours after. The first instructor went over her schedule. Explaining when each started and so on. Allowing Zina time to figure out the break down and choose two electives. Her classes ended up being English, Algebra, US History, Living Environment, Creative Writing, and Painting. 
Zina couldn't see my eyes as I studied her. Her dreads are hung over the chair so long they pass her but. Like strong bound rope, they spread over her small back, free from restraints. I think she believes they're too long but I can't help being enticed by their length as they continue to grow. 
Then a again I love everything about Zina. I have a bias opinion. She is so intune with her learning. I driff off into a sweet nap filled with dream of her.
I only realize time has passed when I feel her straddle my back. I'm laying on my stomach. Zina on top of my ass. I feel her write on my back. Her small fingers scribbling on my skin. Their warmth shift to a cold sting as Zina massage lotion into my sore muscles. I wake completely as she kneeds and mold my skin with her magical hands. 
I relax under her menstruation.
"Ugh little one, that feels good." 
I don't recognize my voice as I moan at the pressure she applies all over me. I didn't realize I was wound up so tight either. Running a Billion dollar enterprise doesn't allow me to reflect on my health. 
Zina press her thumbs along my spinal cord working her way up from the base to my sore neck. There she smooths away the thin skin, using a lighter pressure. It makes me feel like I'm levitating. Who knew she could work me like this?
"Zina right there. God that's amazing." 
She push harder as she comes back down the center. I erect so hard within my loose sweats. I think i'll blow my seams if she keeps this up. With each swift kneed, I harden like a slab of granite. 
"Oh fuck!" 
That's it. I flip over holding Zina's waist so she stays put on top of me. On my back Zina is settled perfectly over my member. It sits between her legs, covered in her warmth. Zina holds my chest to right herself. I rip her loose floral dress over her head. Throwing it somewhere.
Revealing her tiny body. Her perk breasts uncovered by a bra. Those small nipples little chocolate drops perk up from my eyes on her. I pull her in, kissing her hard like we never kissed before. I harden even more as she opens allowing me room to deepen. I grip her locks hard but not too hard. Guiding her as my mouth eat hers. I can kiss Zina all my life and I swear it would never get old. 
Each time feels like the first time. I can't get enough of how she allows me to lead but not completely submitting to me. My little minx rubs her core into me. Gyrating into a sultry dance she knows will pleasure us both. At the same time I undress. 
Without faltering I forgoing removing her panties, just part them to one side and slide inside her cunt until I'm buried within her very soul. Zina holds me as she bounce on top of me. Her skin become slick with sweat. 
I fucking love this. She is mine. Mine now and forever. I love I am the only man to ever feel inside her and will be. Zina only knows pleasure from me. I sound like a possessive twat but can you blame me. 
Zina moans as I pound inside her hitting her G spot. 
"Ugh. Mat-thias! Ugh God!"
I grip her ass and in the heat of passion slap it once, twice, thrice. Slap! Slap! Slap! 
The sound recoshet off the wall heighten with harmony of our slick flesh slapping against each other. I kiss her deeper. Sucking her lips with ease. I will never get enough of this feeling. Zina's tight channel clenches around me, as she gets closer to her release. I change our position rolling over with Zina underneath me. Gripping one leg, bringing it higher to control my pase as I piston inside her.
"Ahh Ohh. Mat-thias. Oh!!!" 
Zina cries out. As with this change I'm deeper than before. I feel her tighten around me drawing out my release as she unfolds at the same second. A crescendo that brings us over the edge together. 
"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, Z!! NA.!" 
Zina is a mess. Her mouth open as she let's go. Her eyes crinkle around the corner. The look on her face is one I'll never get tired of seeing. The look of pure bliss she feels when she releases.
Ring. Ring. 
Who the he'll is calling at this time of night? It's after 12pm. Thankfully Zina doesn't wake too easily. I reach for my phone eyes still close. Answering without looking at whoever is calling. I just want to go back to bed. Nothing good ever comes from a call this late. 
"Mr. King, sorry for calling this late. It's Leonis. Jemila wants you to meet her tomorrow first thing in the morning. She agrees to meet but only if Zina is present." 
"I don't want Zina there. Is there no other way?" 
"Unfortunately no. That was her only request in order to meet with you. I tried to persuade her otherwise but it didn't work. I had some unexpected personal issues to attend to today, so I couldn't brief you earlier. I will text the location for the meeting. Have a good night." 
"Okay. Good night. Thank you. Talk to you tomorrow." 
I end the call. Now more awake than before. Her face tuck into my chest. The wisp of her breath a comfort as I ponder what's in store for us tomorrow. I didn't give her a heads about this. I'm worried how she'll take the news about seeing her mother for the first time in eight years. 
My love is brave and strong and a fighter but she won't like this turn of events. I already promised to do everything in my power so she wouldn't have to see Jemila. Now I'm breaking that promise. Zina will have to see the one person who abandoned her. 
I don't think I'll be able to go back go sleep. No matter how hard I try. 
"Where are we going? Its so early." 
Zina mutters. She's barely awake. She got ready quickly as one can at 7am in the morning. I still haven't mention where we're going so early. Zina refused to eat saying her stomach isn't awake. I don't force her. Just lead us outside. Zina being barely able to walk, I decide to carry her to the jeep. 
Strapping her in the passenger seat. She closes her eyes easily going back to sleep. I kiss her forehead in a silent prayer this isn't a total disaster. I climb in, load up the GPS with the address Leonis sent me. It's not one I recognize. On the more sketchy side of town. Soon we're off to see the woman Zina knows as mother. 
I'm back. Finally says the crowd in the back. It's a short chapter but I hope it was worth the wait. Sorry for my absence. I'm have a lot going on right now. Writing unfortunately can't always be my main priority. 
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