Chapter Nineteen

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Same Day

Zina... Zina... Zina. One look and you'll think she's the most innocent woman but don't let her face fool you. I was certainly fooled. I didn't think she wanted me in such away. At least not the way I want her, spread wide and bared for me. I pride myself in having self-restraint but it flew out the window she moment she licked those lips, admitting she wants me the way I want her. 
I never felt so floored by someone. Zina surprises me.
We left my building as soon as we came. In a rush. I want to demonstrate exactly how I want her. The drive feels like an infinite path. One that stretches further than the great wall of China. I broke every speeding limit. If the car could fly it would the way I'm diving.
"I can't wait to eat. I wonder what Seline prepared today." 
Zina broke the silence. She's hungry for food. What I'm ravenous for, is her. She has no idea. I want her in every way possible. I'll be a gentleman and get her full first. She'll need her strength. 
"Aren't you hungry Mathias?" 
Not for what you're thinking. I jokingly chide myself. Sometimes I forget she's 17. Only remembering in moments like these. It doesn't matter now though. Zina smiles staring out the window. The sun waning as it's in the evening hours past lunchtime. The familiar neighborhood around us, as I get closer to my home. 
I'll have to let Seline go early today. No one should be around when I have Zina under me. 
The mansion is suddenly in sight. I pull down the long cobble drive to the gates to my home. When I'm past the gates I'm surprised at what's waiting for us. My dad's familiar SUV is settled near the fountain. They must have come to see me. Why today of all days? 
Zina and I get out. She looks at the SUV curious who it belongs to. Hopefully, this doesn't end too badly. I hadn't expected them. I haven't figured out what I'll say when Zina finally meets my family. Is my brother with them? 
We venture inside. Conversation pouring out in the living room. My mother's overly cheery voice is louder than the rest. We come around to see her sitting next to dad and Seline with them too. Unfortunately so is my brother Mathew.
James is the first to notice me and Zina. 
"Son you're finally home. Whose this?
His question directs everyone else to focus small figure beside me. Zina grips my arm immediately in caution. She goes behind me to shield herself from the group. I wish I'd been able to prepare her for this encounter.
"Everyone this is Zina. Zina, meet my mom Marilyn, dad James, and my brother Mathew." 
Mathew jumps up coming over. His familiar blue yes taking in Zina from head to toe. I don't like the way he's watching her. Mathew has always been a flirt. A decade younger than me in his prime. He'll have sex with just about any woman with legs. 
He a few inches shorter than me at 6 feet even. Head of coppery brown-reddish hair the same as our mother. We are polar opposites, not just appearance-wise but personality too. I take after our father who has dark hair and brown eyes. While he takes after our mother with her coppery reddish hair and blue eyes. 
"Mat why didn't you tell me about this pretty little thing."
He tries to come behind me but I sidestep. Zina can only take so much scrutiny and honestly, I don't have time for his charming ways. Ignoring his question I take Zina over to the group and we sit on the other end of the L shape sofa. Four pairs of eyes on us. 
Zina is so tense I hold her hand to ease her nerves. I know even such a small amount of people can make her uncomfortable. Mom is first to ask more.
"Zina. That's an interesting name. Where are you from?" 
Zina doesn't say anything. I know she's not being rude but my mom doesn't know this. 
"Did I ask something wrong?" Marilyn asks no one in particular. 
"Mom she's shy around people. What are you guys doing here?" 
Mom's blue eyes stare at me then Zina. She's trying to find an opening. I know my attempt to distract her won't work. 
"We missed you son. We haven't seen you in over a month. So we dropped in to surprise you. Come to find out from Seline you weren't here. " 
There's why he's my favorite parent. King senior is able to read a room. He can pick up on unspoken things faster than you can say I see. Plus he's less overbearing than mom. Who will pester you even if it's sensitive? 
"Have you guys been waiting long?" 
Mathew answers. "We got here twenty minutes before you two arrived." 
"Mathias we're staying for dinner. Seline, I hope you've made enough? Sorry if we've put you out." Mom interjects.
Seline shakes her head before letting her know. "No problem Ms. King. Mi cook fi every body. It's still early but all the prepping is done."
I get up with Zina. 
"I'll be right back." 
"Where's she going? I want to get to know her Mat." 
Mathew stands too like he seriously wants to know why Zina is leaving the room with me. I ignore him and head to the kitchen. With everyone in the other room, I turn to Zina. Pulling her into a hug so I can whisper without anyone eavesdropping. 
"Little one. Are you okay with them staying for dinner? I can have them go. I know you get nervous around others." Meanwhile, I rub down her shoulder. I can't help wanting to touch her. My earlier plans for us to take things further totally pushed aside. 
"It's okay. I'm going to have a snack in my room. Can you come to get me when it's time for dinner?"
"Yes of course." I feel Zina's body unfurl. She grabs a plate of leftover samosas and warms 3 up in the microwave. I get her a cup of water to go with it. Zina takes out her food with a dish towel to make sure she's not burned. I lean in kissing her forehead.
"I'll come see you in a few minutes. Don't worry everything will be okay." 
Zina only nods taking the water before heading upstairs. When I walk back into the living room. They're looking around for Zina. Seline excuses herself to start dinner. 
"Where is Zina Mat?" That's my brother. The only one who calls me that nickname.
"She's having a snack." 
"Just how old is she? She looks a little too young for you Mathias." 
Of course, mom has to address the elephant in the room. I knew when I decided to let caution go to be with Zina this would come up eventually. I didn't expect it so soon. 
"She's 17 and before you guys say anything about it. Yes we're together, yes she's really young but it doesn't matter." 
My mom is the most surprising. Her eyes nearly popping out her head. What's the big deal? It's funny how weeks ago I'd have been surprised too. Mathew has this proud look on his face that says he doesn't care, if anything want's to know-how, and dad doesn't have any reaction. Out of all of them, I don't know which I prefer. 
"Tell me what I have to do to get a girl like her." 
Go to an illegal, very secretive auction. Instead, I shrug. They don't need to know the truth. The only one who knows besides me, Nick, and Zina is Seline. I hope it stays that way. 
"Son can I have a word with you in private." 
Usually, he never takes this tone with me or Mathew. But when he does we know we're in for a serious talk. 
I nod and we leave going up to my office. I enter with him behind me. I shut the door sitting in the second chair in the sitting area. Inside I'm challenging myself to get ready for whatever he throws my way. This won't be pretty. 
"What did you want to talk about?"
He swallows gathering himself. Always carefully and intentional with his words. 
"Son tell me the truth. Where did you meet her? Don't lie to me either. You know I can always tell when you're lying."
I can never hide from him. Never could since I was a child. He's would always see right through me. Mom was a different story. I could get away with anything with her. Its weird how he can still read me at this age but I guess that's what it means being a parent. 
"I bought her from an auction. She was being sold." 
Whatever I thought he would say to this, I didn't expect the words which came next.
"You did the right thing saving her from human trafficking. Are you guys really together?" 
"I'm not sure if it was trafficking but I'm glad I did. Where she was, was a terrible place. We are, I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend or anything but yes we're together." 
"I'm not going to say it's wrong since Zina's so young but be careful. I would hate it if you got hurt. Don't hurt her either, she's still a child. Heartbreak so young leaves a deeper scar when you're younger."
That went better than I thought. He doesn't disprove. Not that it would change anything. I know within myself I fought these feelings long enough, now I don't think anything could tear me away from her. Nothing but her. Only Zina could break us apart. 
"I know dad. Thank you, it means the world having your support. Zina is very important to me. For a long time, I kept denying my feelings for her. I hurt her by doing that when she admitted to liking me. But I can't push her away anymore. Fighting her felt like fighting myself. I'm happy even if it's just your support. I know mom may not like us together." 
Dad listens attentively. He shook his head agreeing with me. We both stand up embracing in a bear hug. Patting each other on the back twice.
"It okay son. She'll come around. Let go back to everyone." 
"I'm gonna check on Zina first." 
"Okay, son." 
I head to her room. The closer I get I hear laughter through her door. It sounds like she's laughing at something someone said. I hear my brother joking with Zina. 
"You're lucky your my brother's girl. If not I'd take you for myself." 
I stop short after hearing what he said. I don't feel threatened but I want to know what Zina will say to this. I wait a few seconds for her comeback. It felt like an eternity went by while I waited. 
Finally, Zina gets out. "Even if I wasn't I wouldn't want you. Mathias is more than enough. He's everything." 
She took my breath. My chest expands overjoyed from her words. I couldn't describe how great it made me feel to hear her say that to another man. A much younger man. It's like the validation I didn't know I needed. Once I gather myself I wait a few more seconds to enter. 
Zina sat on her bed. My brother closes on the chair from her desk off the side. They turned to me with widened eyes. I went right over. 
"Mathew I need to be alone with Zina." 
He watched me then took one last look at Zina. Mathew leaves us alone. I sit down next to her. She crawled over onto my lap. I hold her small waist. Blending our bodies together. Leaning into her.
"Little one thank you." 
 Zina turns to me. She didn't ask why I was thanking her. I think somehow she knew what I meant. That was alright with me. 
"Your welcome. Can you lay with me for a while?" 
"You never have to ask. Of course, come here." I situate making room for Zina. Instead of laying beside me like she usually does, she comes right on top of me. 
Surprisingly her small body felt like she gained a bit more weight. I couldn't help holding her back. To caress all her planes of flesh. Her warm soft body is shaped perfectly to my liking. Zina is so much smaller but in some way, we fit like a matching pair. Like she was made with me in mind. Her hands going around my neck to hold me tighter. 
I love she's not afraid to touch me the way she wants. 
"Zina no matter what happens, know I want you. I choose you and I will keep choosing you. No matter our age difference, your past, what anyone might say. I choose you little one. I choose you just the way you are. Don't forget that okay." 
She pulls up so I can see her face. Her ethereal goddess-like face. All in its youth and beauty. Zina pressed her lips to me softly, so soft and tender it's like my lips take a second to recognize we've touched. She is perfect and she's mine. 
"I won't Mathias." She mutters out when we part. Going back to our position from before. Just like that everything becomes right in my world again. Her scent, our closeness, everything in this moment sets me in a tranquil place I never want to venture from. 
I hope you guys like this chapter. What do you guys think is going to happen next? I really love reading your comments.

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