Chapter Twenty Two

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"Little one, rise and shine. Time to get up" Hmm. It can't be morning already. Is it? Apparently it is since Mathias is kissing my face. I don't like mornings but I don't mind this. Whenever any part of Mathias touches me I feel my skin prickle with tiny buds of electricity. Like he's powering up the cells in my skin. 
"I'm not ready yet. 10 more minutes please." 
"Little one, I can never deny you anything. Especially when you beg me so sweetly." 
I smirk into his armpit where my nose is. I know it's weird but I love the smell of his deodorant. Its masculine, woodsy, and all Mathias own scent. I inhale him. Like I'm sniffing something addicting. In a way he is. I settle in this position to go back to sleep. 
"30 minutes then your getting up. Go back to sleep." 
I go back to sleep easily. Mathias wraps me into him. I know he'll stay awake while I sleep. Mathias is a morning person. 
"We're almost done Zina." 
Mathias says without looking up from the computer. He's been entering my information for the past 45 minutes. So far without any help. Meanwhile I sit beside him, head on his shoulder listening to the constant clicking sound lull in my ears. 
I think he wanted my company, not my help. He'll head out soon. I'll be home with Seline. I soak in all of his essence while he works on getting me enrolled. Mathias has no idea the gravity of the weigh on my chest when he's away. It's invisible strengths presses me down throughout the day. I never knew how it felt to miss someone. Miss them with my being, crave their scent, their touch, their presence. 
He's the first man, the first person I've felt this much for. I think he is the only human I will hold as dear for the rest of my life. You'd think this would make me depressed but it's not. Empowered is what it makes me. Because of him I'm not existing. Not skating through the motions. I finally believe I'm living for the first time. I'm alive with these emotions. 
"I'm finished. You're quiet today." 
"Just tired." 
"I'll show you how to log in and complete assignments later. Why don't we have breakfast before I head to work?" 
"I'm not hungry." I'd rather cuddle before he goes to work. 
"I'm sleepy. Can't you stay home today?" 
Mathias turns my chair around. Next thing I know he's picking me up sitting me on his lap. He kisses my temple. Then my forehead, my nose, my chin, finally my lips. 
Mathias quickly makes me submit. Each suckle of his mouth, each swish of his tongue as he plays with my lips. I can't help but open to make room. He grips my neck to guide me the way he needs me. His kiss gets deeper more intense and passionate. He delve into me deeper. Exploring every crevice, licking his tongue around. I start getting that familiar feeling. My breast tightens in my clothes.
Mathias breaks as I nudge away in order to breath. A slight moan escape. His own guttural groan follows. He gets up, his arms cradle underneath my but. The house is quiet, it's still so early. Painfully silent for whatever happens next. 
The walls are asleep the floor yawns as he goes to his room. He opens the door somehow. I feel him place me on the bed then he's lying over me. Peering down with those deep brown eyes. All warm and yummy looking like melted chocolate. I pull him in to another kiss. I just want to taste him.
This time taking control. Like only an inexperienced girl can. It should feel tense and awkward but it doesn't. I kiss him hard. Sucking tightly on his lips. He's perfect and patient, allows me to lead. I attempt something he's done to me, licking inside his mouth. Seeking out his tongue in a game of hopscotch. 
Soon Mathias takes over. He pulls away from me to kiss my neck my collarbone. Moving over my chest. Resulting in my heart rate spiking. I don't know what calls me to but I start moving down my shorts. Mathias draws away. 
"We don't have to. This is enough." 
"I want to."
I don't think he was ready for that. He looks shocked. I am too but I mean it. I want to. I want to take the next step. Whatever that step is. I want him. 
"Are you sure, little one? We can wait. I can wait."
"Yes. I'm sure."
Like a switch went off Mathias takes over. Rids me of my shorts and shirt. I'm left in panties no bra. I rarely wear one inside. My chest is basically nonexistent a large B on a good day. There's kind of no reason for me to wear bras. 
Mathias takes in my nudity. Almost like he's never seen boobs before. I go to cover them, but he stops me.
"Don't. You're perfect." 
"They're really small." 
"Zina everything about you is indescribably beautiful. I don't want you any other way. You're beautiful, little one."
Mathias pulls off and removes his only item. Those loose sexy satin pants he wear when only him an I are home. He is free without underwear so his thing is all I see. It stands up tall and thick. The length covered with veins jutting out. Above is a small patch of hair leading up to thin trail to his abs. 
He looks like a marble statue. Craved and molded by a god. Mathias see me staring and smirks. Walking back to the bed climb into the same position. I reach up to hold his face silently taking in this moment between us. 
He leans down kissing me tenderly. I could melt. He moved down my body taking his time to circle my breast. Holding and caressing them. They fill his hand just right. Mathias playfully pinch my nipples. The slight sting feels good. My head tilts back as he travels south to my panties. Quickly takes them off. I've never been this bare to another person, much less a man. 
The way Mathias rakes over my body is somthing I'm not use to. He kisses straight down to my stomach licking around my navel and keeps doing down. I'm not sure what's he about to do but my body seems to like it. My back arches off the bed. I can't help as I grip the sheets. I need to hold onto something as he kiss lower until he's inside by most intimate area. 
His breath is cool as it hits my warm flesh. Mathias spread me and kiss me there like he's kissing my lips. I feel wetter as he plays with my vagina sucking it into his mouth, letting it go only when I scream out. The sound so bizarre. Like I've gone to heaven. 
Mathias swipes up and down my vagina then circles makes shapes, or maybe writes letters. What he's doing I'm not sure. All I know is it feels like the best thing I've ever felt. My heart is racing so fast I feel faint but alive at the same time. My voice begins to get scratchy from all my screaming.
"I could eat you all day. Zina come for me." 
Like a lightening I do releasing below into his mouth. I jerk into him as I come undone. Belting out so loud my throat gives out. Oh my god! What the hell was that? Mathias just grips holding me still as he sucks on me still but there is nothing left. My eyes roll then I feel shots shoot through my brain.
Its difficult to breathe but I'm able to eventually get my breath.
"What did you do?" 
Somehow I get this out. Mathias crawls back up making eye contact. His lips are plump and shiny. He smiles, melting my heart and stopping it at the same time. I love him.
"I don't know how to explain. I tasted you. Do you want a taste?" 
Huh. I have no idea what he's asking me but I nod anyhow. Mathias kiss me and I taste his lips that are slightly tangy with a salty taste. He pulls away spreading my legs apart.
"Zina this is going to hurt. I'll be as gently as possible. Are you comfortable?"
He doesn't say anything else but kiss my forehead. Then I feel him enter me slowly inch my inch. He's so big it feels like I'm going to die. I tense up and Mathias pause to let me get use to the discomfort. Once I settle he moves again deeper filling me until we're one. He stills patiently watching my expression. Making sure I'm okay. 
It's so painful but not the worst pain I've ever felt. Soon its bearable and I squeeze him. Mathias groans out in pain. 
"Zina. I'm trying to be gentle baby. I don't want to hurt you." 
"I'm okay now." 
With that Mathias pulls out a little and slide inside me to the hilt again. This time there's less pain only a tiny bit. He continues until there's no discomfort and just this pleasurable sensation. Its feels a million time better than when he tasted me. I feel him going harder and harder each time. 
My legs somehow wraps around his waist crossing to not let him escape. He grips me tight continues to slide in and out of me smoother, deeper, making my toes curl. Our bodies rock into each other hard. My my lower half jutting up to meet him half way in a primal need. 
"Ohh god!!"
I scream as he touches something inside me that makes my eyes go back. A pressure point that whenever he touches Its more intense. 
"Ohhh ahhhhhh. Mathias!" 
"I'm close." Mathias voice so horse as he says this. 
He rolls his hips as he pistons into me. My back bends and I feels somthing begin to bubble up in my stomach. It continues to build and build. Mathias grips my shoulders now at the same time I'm clawing at his back. I rock into him. We continue like this until he lets out a low.
"Come Zina!!" 
I crescendo like a strong wave crashing into a shore line and he pulls out letting ropes of white liquid on my stomach. 
I can't even scream. My body is shackled. I feel discombobulated but in the best way. Whatever that was, we have to do it again. I don't think I'll be able to stop. 
"Litlle one. Open you eye. Are you here?" 
"I-I I don't know."
"How do you feel? Are you hurting? " 
"No. I'm fine. I feel extremely tired." 
"Bath then nap. How does that sound?" 
"Great." I guess he's staying home. 
 Mathias gets up picking me up. I'm thankful because I don't know if my legs will carry me. I feel like dough. He goes into his expansive ensuite and fills the tub with warm water. Nice smelling bath soap and bath balls that makes the water change colors. Mathias climbs in with me in between his legs. My back to his chest. 
He holds me and we lay back. My eyes close. I feel myself going under. 
Please comment and vote!!! I haven't had any inspiration to write lately. Sorry if this chapter was awkward to read. Check out my other stories if you can. 

ZINA (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now