Chapter Sixteen

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I can't believe that just happened. Mathias kissed me. We pull away still real close. His large palm strokes my face moving locs out the way. Immediately my cheeks feel flush. My body softens to his touch. The kiss is better than I imagined. It's my first. 
"Zina talk to me. What's in that head of yours?" 
I'd zoned into space for too long. Where do I begin? I don't know how to describe what I'm feeling right now. I'm happy. Mathias feels the same way. He not only said it, but he also acted upon it. I'm still wrapping my head around what happened. Please let this not be a dream. I'll die if it is.
"Zina." Mathias gets my attention. 
"Uh. I'm shocked. I never thought you'd admit it." 
Mathias sits up drawing me into his lap. His strong arms wrap around my waist pulling me against his chest. Mathias is like a brick wall with how hard like steel he is against me. I'm like a piece of playdoh next to him. He could move and mold me into a place. 
"Admit it. There's nothing to be surprised about. I think we both knew how I felt. I wanted you the moment I saw you. I was in denial." 
As he explains, Mathia's hands slowly move up my back holding me delicately. Like he's afraid I'll break If he's too rough. I might. The way my limbs feel, like soggy ramen noodles, if he tugs too hard I'll melt. My entire body is shifting under his gaze. His chocolate eyes burn me like a hot mug of cocoa. 
The familiar wetness enters between my legs as we watch each other. I really need to know what it means. 
"I feel like I wasted so much time pushing you away. Little one, I'm sorry if it seemed I didn't value your feelings. Trust me I do. I hated making you cry. I promise to not push you away anymore." 
I nod because I'm lost for words. This is all I've wanted. Now it's here I'm speechless. Mathia's eyes watch me, he smirks at my blight and holds me even closer. I put my face into the crook of his neck inhaling his natural clean fresh scent. The fragrance my all-time favorite. It does something to me.
Without any idea what I'm doing. I kiss the space where his neck and shoulder meets. Leaving my mark on him. Mathias growls low. I hear his excitement. It urges me on. I kiss him there again. Then I lick the said spot. At that moment his body reacts to me his lower body growing hitting between my legs. 
The sensation of our area meeting is like fireworks flicking in a dark sky. Something takes over. My body having a mind of its own. Its primal instinct takes over knowing what I need. My body rocks into his hardness. He thrusts meeting my center in a perfect way. 
The wetness grows as he holds me. His hips moving up to meet mine dancing over him. His grip on me tightens. Short nails almost painful digging into me. But I don't hate it. In fact, I love it. I rock into him more at a slow pace that begins to pick up each time he reciprocates my movements.
"Oh Mmm." 
A sound I've never heard leaves my lips. They've parted slightly. I kiss his neck again thrusting my hips harder now. Mathias's own matching my pace. His hands moving down to my bottom, holding my but so tight it makes the sensation all the more tantalizing. Now I feel him deeper. My thrust becomes more desperate as I'm getting closer to something.
Something I'm not sure what. Something that's making my lower belly stiffen. We rock into each other. I hear Mathias's own sound of enjoyment. A deep hoarse guttural growl erupts as I feel a cosmic explosion between my legs.
"Oh uh. Oh, God!" 
My voice sounds unrecognizable to my ears. It's even higher pitch as I come undone on top of Mathias. He lets out a grunt then our bodies slowing, shaking back and forth. The aftershock of what happens stirs us up until we're both unmoving. I fall like waste onto his chest. He's backed into the bed frame for support holding me breathing heavily. 
What was that? Whatever ever it is, I want to feel it again. I glance up at Mathias. His face is flushed his forehead perspiring with a light coat of sweat. We heatedly stare at each other saying so much with our eyes. Mathias pulls my face in to kiss my lips, swiping his tongue across me. He nips before letting go.
"Zina. You literally never fail to surprise me." 
He sounds more hoarse and raspy than usual. I like it. 
"What just happened?" 
Mathias smiles. His head tilts like he figured something. What he says next confuse me. 
"That was an orgasm." 
After our raw exchange, Zina's now asleep. Even though i'm tired in the middle of the day, I'm wide awake. My body is buzzing from the endorphins. Who knew we'd share such an experience. I can still imagine her pelvis rocking into me. The passionate way our clothed bodies collided until we released. 
I've never experienced something so primal and infiltrated with another woman. Even my language is changing. Woman, yes Zina is a woman. Zina is my woman. It was so intimate and euphoric like we'd actually been having sex. Is that what it's supposed to feel like? It's never felt like that. It's another sign something about Zina and I is catastrophic. Like a wave crashing together. We are uncontrollable. In the best way. 
How amazing she is? I know it's her first orgasms but it felt like a first for me too. If just this can be like this. What will the real thing be like between us? I'm getting aroused thinking about it. You were denying this Mathias. I almost didn't experience this by focusing only on Zina's age. 
Zina lithe body smothers me. I'm holding her afraid she'll disappear if I let go. Just days before I tried my best to avoid these feelings, ignored our attraction, now I can't get enough of her. Guess everyone else, Seline and Nick were right. They saw our chemistry before I realized it. Zina knew too. 
I almost broke her with my fear. Thankfully I didn't. I'll never forgive myself, I hurt her more than she's already been hurt. I did, when I refused her. I'll have to make it up to Zina. 
I guess now there's no reason to get official guardianship. I no longer perceive her as my adoptive daughter. Zina is my woman. Good thing I didn't contact my lawyers yet. I still have other things to take care of. The eye exam, which now Zina's talking can be with a regular doctor. Her education and speech therapy. I'll have to get on these right away. 
Plus there are her vaccinations. I'm hopeful doctor Gordon will update me if any is missing even if I don't have rights to her medical records. Her health is my top priority. I could always get Zina emancipated. Would that even work? I will have to ask a lawyer about this. 
That can all happen later. I need to get some sleep. My day is going to be a long one. Working from home today sounds ideal. I don't know if I can be apart from Zina so soon. Now I have her I need her around me.
If we're going to make this work. I need to keep an open mind about how others will view our relationship. Like my parents, my family. They still don't know about Zina. She has been living with me for over a month. My crazy mother can pop in any day and finds us together. She didn't like Ashley but I'm not sure what she'll think about Zina. 
So much to consider. Sleep Mathias. Go to sleep. A few hours laying next to Zina sounds like heaven. I pull her closer spooning as my eyes close. Sleep comes quickly.

Sorry, this is so short. What did you think? Please don't forget to vote and comment!!!

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