Chapter 2: Acapella Only

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The newly recruited Bellas, all of them visibly excited after their initiation, well except for Beca, who was still her moody, distant self, rushed to their first college party. Aubrey and Chloe, the seniors, trailed behind the other excited girls, with Beca and Amy, talking about something Chloe couldn’t make out.

“I don’t know what I’m doing here-” Beca told Amy, with a look of confusion on her face.

“Even I know why you're here,” replied Amy, watching as Beca eyed the slender redhead who was fixing herself a drink at a table up front. “You're here to get laid-” continued Amy, winking at Beca. She looked rather proud of herself for finding out Beca’s not-so-well-hidden secret.

“What the fuck dude?!?! Seriously???” Beca exclaimed, a look of initial shock turning to a guilty blush as she realized that Amy caught her.

“She’s pretty hot, not gonna lie,” Amy shot back, clearly taking humor from the way Beca tried to appear creeped out by the Australian’s comment. “Come on, Beca, it's obvious you've got the hots for that sexy ginger.” Amy kept pouring it on, now trying to turn the brunette on more than anything.

“Dude, give up… I don’t even like her th…” She was cut short, as Chloe had made her way up to where Beca and Amy were standing. 

“Like who?” Asked Chloe, obviously curious because she loved gossip, and completely oblivious to the fact that she was the topic of their conversation. 

Amy was overcome with a knowing, devious smile, shot Beca a look that said ‘now’s your chance,’ as she retreated, giving Beca and Chloe the allusion that they had personal space to talk.

Chloe wasted no time getting up close to the shorter brunette, grabbing Beca’s hands and pulling the other girl close to her own face, so close that Beca could feel Chloe’s breath on her lips. 

“Hey there,” Chloe started, eyes locked with Beca, a suspicious grin on her face. Beca was momentarily lost in Chloe’s gaze, admiring her crystal clear beautiful blue eyes. 

“You know, Beca, I think we're going to be really fast friends,” Chloe continued, pulling Beca in even closer, until their noses bumped together. 

 “Well you saw me naked-” Beca responded with a wink. Her inner emotions were getting the best of her, her inner self telling her to flirt with the redhead.

Chloe smiled, reminding herself of Beca’s stunning body which she got such a sight of last time they met. “Yea, I did. I really enjoyed singing with you.” Chloe said, the mischievous grin returning to her face.

Beca was speechless. All she could think about was Chloe’s ample features, as she struggled out a response. “Uhh… y-you did?” Was all beca could muster, trying hard to suppress any sexual feelings building up inside her. 

“Yes of course I did! I love titanium!” Chloe responded reassuringly. “Plus, I got to see your cute little body without clothes on.” She added with a wink. Chloe then made a move once more towards the flustered brunette, and pecked her on the cheek. Beca blushed, completely overcome with a combination of lust and embarrassment. 

Chloe continued on, knowing Beca couldn’t find the strength to respond. “One of my biggest regrets so far about college is that I haven’t done enough experimenting.” As she said it, her hands released Becas, and found their way to the shorter girl’s hips.

Beca looked down to where the ginger had laid her hands, then back up to Chloe’s face, then back down again to her hips. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She was completely overwhelmed by Chloe’s touch and seductive words, as she locked eyes with Chloe. The redhead’s eyes almost completely clouded over with lust, stared back at Beca, waiting for her to make a move. 

Little did the girls know, Amy was standing two rows back, now watching intently the interaction that was occurring between Beca and Chloe. Of all things the australian girl had seen in her time, this was new. 

She thought about fetching Aubrey to take a look at the action, but found her getting grinded on- and enjoying it, might I add- by another new freshman, Stacie Conrad. All Amy could do was chuckle to herself, realizing she may as well be the only straight girl in the group. She averted her eyes back to the action between her new friend Beca and the ginger. 

Beca must have been entranced for a moment, because before she knew it, Chloe’s hands had made their way up from Beca’s hips up inside her shirt, and were paused for a moment, and were now resting on the brunette's mid-torso, just below her bra. 

“Hey!” Exclaimed Beca playfully. She decided to give up fighting off her inner desire to spark up something with the redhead. 

Beca found her hands on Chloe’s hips, and slid them around to the front of the redhead’s jeans. With one hand, she went to unbutton Chloe’s jeans, but the ginger’s hand grabbed Beca’s wrist, stopping her from going any farther.

“Maybe not here… how close is your dorm?” Asked Chloe with a predatory smile. Beca didn’t respond, rather, she grabbed Chloe by her wrists, dragged her away from the party. Time passed in a flash, as it was only a moment until the two made it to Beca’s dorm, where Chloe pinned Beca’s back to her door, pressing her lips against Becas. Beca gladly accepted, fighting Chloe’s tongue for dominance, but the redhead easily won.

Chloe unbuttoned Beca’s jeans, sliding down the zipper and pushing her hand into Beca’s pants. Beca let out a moan as Chloe’s hand pressed up against her clit, while she found the doorknob behind her and twisted it open, causing the two girls to go tumbling through the doorway into Beca’s room.

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