Chapter 17: Been Awhile

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A/N: It's been awhile but I'm back. If you don't remember how the last chapter ended, not to worry! I've started this chapter with the final lines of the last chapter just in case.

"OH GOD I'M COMING!" The redhead screamed out as Beca finished her off, before pulling out and licking her fingers clean.

"Shit, babe, it's four thirty two." Chloe exclaimed, re straightening her dress and checking her phone.

At that same moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Becs! Get the door!" Chloe said, practically shoving Beca towards the front door of the apartment.

"Heeeey guys! You're late." Beca said, gesturing for them to come in.

"So how was the sex?" Stacie asked, cutting right to the point.

"What?" Beca asked, not needing to fake her surprise.

"We weren't late." Aubrey started. "We got here at four thirty."

Beca turned a deep scarlet red, and turned to Chloe who was a matching tone.

"We heard you guys having fun so we waited until we were sure you were done." Stacie informed, unable to keep the smile off her face.

"Oh my god." Chloe said, refusing to make eye contact with anything but her feet.

"I wanted to knock but judging by how loud we heard you screaming Beca's name we figured you'd be done quickly." Aubrey said with a smirk

"Ok... You know what? Let's just go eat dinner- and forget this ever happened." Beca said, grabbing Chloe by the wrist and pulling her over to the kitchen table.

"Wait but you guys already ate so maybe we should wait for a little bit." Stacie said, desperately trying to hold back laughter. Aubrey shot her a disappointed look and slapped her gently on the arm. "Sorry." Stacie giggled, slapping Aubrey back and turning to face her girlfriend, pulling their faces close together.

"Geez guys, get a room." Beca chuckled, pulling Stacie off of Aubrey before they got anywhere, much to Stacie's dislike.

The four girls crashed on the couch in the living room and decided maturely to eat dinner later because, by then, it was only about five.

"Martinis?" Chloe asked, getting up and making her way over to the kitchen.

"Ooo yes please." Stacie said excitedly, looking over to Aubrey.

"That would be excellent," Aubrey said after thinking about it for a moment, "Thanks Chloe."

While Chloe got to work fixing drinks for the four of them, Beca stretched herself out in a chair and talked with stacie.

"So, Stacie... How's Aubrey?" Beca asked, gesturing for Stacie to come join her in the chair next to her.

"Mmm... Aubrey is excellent." Stacie said with a smirk after taking a sip from the drink that Chloe had just handed her.

Beca sighed, shaking her head with a chuckle. "Stacie. You know what I was asking."

"Sorry." She replied with a giggle. "Yea, Aubrey is good... we're doing really well actually."

"But you guys live so far away from each other... like how do you even have a physical relationship?"

"We still see each other every weekend though, and there isn't a day that we don't spend at least an hour texting. I think we just love each other too much to let go of anything that we have together." She replied, a soft smile creeping onto her face as she said the last bit while stealing a look at Aubrey who had made her way over to the kitchen to talk to Chloe.

"Aww that's so sweet!" Beca said, a soft, loving expression forming on her face. "You guys are so perfect for each other."

"Oh my, Chloe really is making you a huge softie isn't she." Stacie chuckled, knowing well that Beca hated being called a softie even though it was obvious she was one.

"Shut up! I'm not a softie!" Beca exclaimed playfully, crossing her arms in the most exaggerated way possible and pretending to be hurt, but failing miserably.

"Yes you are, honey! We talk about this every night!" Chloe said as she and Aubrey were approaching the girls, each with two drinks in their hands.

"Nuuuuuu I'm not!" Beca whined playfully, but only getting an eye roll from Chloe in return. Chloe had given up trying to convince Beca she was soft, probably because she knew Beca knew deep down that it was true, and it was just a matter of time before she admitted it. She had taken to just calling Beca a softie multiple times per day until she gave in, which, in theory, should work eventually.

A few hours later, the girls all sat down for dinner. Chloe decided to let Beca cook, but she nearly burnt down the whole kitchen, and charred the steaks so badly that you wouldn't know they were edible, let alone know that they were steaks.

After a lot of laughter, more directed at Beca than with her, they decided to get takeout from a local pizzeria that the four used to eat at during their freshman year at Barden. Besides the fact that the whole kitchen smelled like burnt food, the dinner was good and the pizza was just as good as they all remembered.

"Yea the sex on the weekends has been wonderful, but to be honest, we've got something else that I almost like even better." Stacie said, downing her third glass of wine and glancing over at Aubrey who was clearly concerned for what Stacie might say next.

"Hehe yea we do this thing where I just send dirty texts all day to Aubrey until she gets really turned on and basically begs me to fuck her." Stacie said through bursts of laughter, all the while earning a death stare from her blonde girlfriend.

"Stacie!" Aubrey exclaimed before Chloe stopped her and urged Stacie to go into more detail. Beca just sat there in fear of Chloe getting any ideas for ways to spice up their already impressively flavorful sex life.

"Go on." Chloe said calmly, interrupting Aubrey from going off on her girlfriend.

"So, as I was saying, I make Aubrey really horny and then I describe to her what I'll do to her with my hands and she does that to herself. Sometimes I even tease her for hours just to make her struggle. It's very very hot."

"Alright Stacie, that's enough. I'm not sure Beca and Chloe need to know every detail about how we entertain each other." Aubrey said, reaching over to take the fifth glass of wine out of Stacie's hand and shushing her.

"Sorry about her." Aubrey said as she dramatically rolled her eyes.

"No that's ok I liked hearing about that actually." Chloe chuckled.

"WHAT?!?!" Beca and Aubrey exclaimed simultaneously, both them looking at each other with concerned expressions before turning to face Chloe."

"No no no no it's not what it sounds like!" Chloe said, realizing how the others interpreted what she said.

"Chloe, you do realize that there really isn't a context where it's normal for you to want to hear that right?" Beca said, her concerned look turning into a worried one as she realized why Chloe was interested in the story before she even said it.

"Well... I just wanted to know because it sounded interesting and maybe I kinda wanted to try it some time." Chloe replied defensively.

"Oh you wild, horny girl!" Beca laughed excitedly, shooting a suggestive look at Chloe.

"Hey! I'm not that horny! At least not as much as you!" Chloe countered, gently slapping Beca on the arm.

"Oh you horny bitch!" Beca shot back, pouncing on Chloe and straddling her. "I'm gonna have to punish you for that."

"GUYS!" Aubrey interrupted, nearly jumping out of her seat to pull Beca off of Chloe. "At least wait until we're done with dinner." She scolded as she carried Beca to the other side of the table to sit in between herself and Stacie to make sure nothing else happened during dinner.

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