Chapter 20: Bellas Reunion

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"Hey Beca!" Emily greeted her as she came through the door after getting home from work. "You excited for the Bellas reunion tonight?"

"I don't really know to be honest." Beca replied after thinking about Emily's question for a moment, a little bit of worry creeping into her voice.

"Beca it's just an excuse to see each other- there's no reason to be wor-" Emily began to say, but stopped herself when she realized why Beca was so nervous. "Oh... you haven't talked to her in three years haven't you."

"What am I supposed to do? Nothing is going to be 'normal' between us. What if she doesn't like me even as a friend anymore?" Beca said, now not bothering to hide the obvious fact that she was terrified to see Chloe again.

"Hey relax. It might be awkward at first but you'll figure it out. I'm sure she's nervous too and she sure as hell doesn't hate you." Emily said, walking over to Beca and draping an arm around her shoulders.

"Em... I want her back. What if she has someone?"


"Oh my god oh my god oh my god!" Exclaimed Chloe as she came out of the bedroom.

"Babe calm down there's nothing to worry about." Chicago said as he took a can of beer from the refrigerator.

"I know, you're right. We're just going to see my friends. And the girl I used to love who probably still has feelings for me." Chloe replied, blurting out the last part quickly, the worry evident in her voice.

"Just be careful. She's probably over you, it's been like 3 years, but I don't want to see that girl coming onto you." Chicago said through a mouth full of chips. He was clearly more interested in eating than Chloe's worries about the reunion which he thought were rather foolish and unbased.

"Ugh you don't know her you can't say that for certain." Chloe said, obviously frustrated that Chicago wasn't taking her legitimate worries particularly seriously. "We never ever broke up officially and we left on good terms. Knowing her, she's harboring feelings and has been for a while."


Emily and Beca arrived together at the Brooklyn Aquarium, but they separated so Emily could meet up with her Bellas and Beca went off to talk to her friends. All of the girls were there. Except Chloe. Beca thought that was rather weird because of all people, Chloe would be the one person to never be late to anything.

"Becaaaaaaa!" Stacie screamed as soon as she saw Beca come through the doors. She immediately ran up and hugged Beca tight, refusing to let go for longer than what would be considered normal. "I missed you soooo much!"

"Hey Stacie, I missed you too." Beca said, returning Stacie's hug with a normal level of intensity. "Where's-"

"Chloes not here yet. I don't know why she's late." Stacie said, obviously anticipating the fact that Beca wanted to know where Chloe was.

They eventually broke off their hug and at the same time, the girls heard an all too familiar and comforting bubbly voice that they could all distinguish as Chloe's.

"CHLOE!!!!!!!" Aubrey screamed as she ran, quickly followed by the rest of the girls, towards the shorter ginger girl. They all embraced Chloe in a huge hug, except Beca who lingered just behind the group, simply staring at and admiring the beauty of Chloe as she closed her eyes and focused on her group hug.

The group soon broke apart from their hug and resumed their conversations, leaving Beca just standing there, staring at Chloe and waiting for her to notice.

"Beca." Chloe said quietly as she made eye contact with the brunette. She could see pure sorrow in her eyes and tears began welling up in both of their eyes.

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