Author's Note

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Guys, I just wrote a really soft Bechloe moment that I couldn't put into context for this story, so I've decided to share it in an author's note. Basically this is a reward for anyone who reads the author's notes.

*This is not in the same universe as the current story, this is just a one shot I wanted you guys to have*


"Ready for school sweetheart?" Beca said, picking up her daughter Chloe Mitchell. "It's your first day of third grade!"

Beca drove Chloe to the elementary school where she met up with her friend Bella, who was Stacie Conrad's daughter. Beca and Stacie are close friends, and they just moved into a new town together. Today was their kid's first day at a new school.

A/N: just pretend the dates for Bella's age and Beca's daughter's age match up so they're in the same class.

"Bye you two! Have fun!" Beca called out from the car as the girls walked into the new school together accompanied by another teacher.

"Who is your teacher?" Chloe asked Bella.

"I have Miss Smith. Who do you have?"

"Miss Beale. I hope she's nice." Chloe said, hugging Bella before departing to class.

"Good morning guys! I'm Miss Beale and I'm your teacher for this year." The teacher said excitedly from the front of the room. She was absolutely astoundingly beautiful. Especially her auburn curls resting gently on her left shoulder.

She proceeded to take roll calls, reading out each name and each kid responding with a "here."

When she reached Chloe's name on the sheet she gasped. She read it again to make sure. Chloe Mitchell. 'No... it couldn't be. She doesn't live here. It's impossible.' She thought to herself.

"Chloe Mitchell?" She choked out, and the young girl raised her hand and gave her an adorable smile that immediately made her think of the love of her life, that short, moody, beautiful brunette.

"I'm here!" She called out excitedly.


"What's up, smooch?" Beca said, grabbing her daughter and picking her up. "How was your class?"

"It was sooooo fun! Miss Beale is awesome!" She exclaimed.

"Oh my God." Beca gasped. 'No... it's not possible... she doesn't live here. You just miss her, Beca.' She told herself

"Hey, Beca... are you ok? You look like you just saw a ghost." Stacie said walking up to her.

"Y-yea... I'm ok."

"No you're not. Tell me." Stacie demanded. Stacie was the one person who was always there for Beca, and Beca told her everything, so it was a little weird for Beca to decline to talk about something bothering her.

"Chloe has a teacher named Miss Beale." Beca said slowly, processing the words coming out of her mouth cautiously.

"No, Beca. Chloe doesn't live here. These are just stages of grief. You miss her. There are probably tons of Miss Beales." Stacie said, rubbing Beca's back in reassurance.

"Yea... you're probably right. I should let it go." Beca sniffled, and gestured for Stacie to walk back to their cars together.


"Aubrey? We need to talk." Chloe said into the phone once her best friend picked up.

"What's up, Chlo?"

"My student. Her last name is Mitchell."

"Chloe, no. You know Beca doesn't live near you. There are probably thousands of Mitchells out there. What's her first name?"

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