Author's Note/ Special Request

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Hey guys, I know a lit of you already know, but I'll be starting my Bechloe smut series rather soon. For those who don't know, my smut series will be 100% Bechloe sex scenes that are not part of a story, it's just a compilation of sex scenes that I couldn't work into this story, and also the scenes from this series that I cut short and skipped over.

I would just like to ask that if you are reading this, I would really appreciate any suggestions for sex scenes that you guys would love to see in the smut series. Thanks!

As always, thanks for reading this and if you read to the end, I hope you know that I really value your opinion, because I'm not writing for me. I'm writing for you guys to read and enjoy. 

Also, my apologies to anyone who saw that I updated again and got excited because I released two chapters in one day. 

Finally, I have to take the SAT tomorrow, so there's a small chance I don't update tomorrow. That said, I probably will update, it will just be around this time tomorrow (11pm east coast us time)

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