Chapter 15

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“You and I walk a fragile line

“I had known it all this time

“But I never thought I’d live to see it break

“It’s dark and it’s all too quiet

“And I can’t trust anything now

“And it’s coming over you like it’s all a big mistake

“OH I’m holding my breath

“Won’t lose you again

“Something’s made your eyes go cold

“Come on, come on don’t leave me like this

“I thought I had you figured out

“Something’s gone terribly wrong

“You’re all I wanted

“Come on, come on don’t leave me like this

“I thought I had you figured out

“Can’t breathe whenever you’re gone

“Can’t turn back now I’m haunted”

 I sang, feeling uneasy about meeting the fans afterwards. I knew Maddox would be there. I was so scared something was going to happen. Part of me wished that hearing my songs would give him a sense of understanding. He put me through so much pain. However, I told him that Chase and I weren’t a thing and he had given me clear instructions not to even give him a reason to believe otherwise and I had failed. He was going to punish me and that part freaked me out.

 As the last chorus finished, the lights went black. The crowd screamed at the top of their lungs. Anybody else in my position would be smiling non-stop, wondering how they had ended up here. Of course, I was not. I was terrified to finish the set. I didn’t want to face my consequences.

 The lights stayed out for a few seconds as the crowd continued to scream. I heard the boys exit their instruments. I felt someone tap my shoulder and I jumped. I could make out a human form and I just knew it was Maddox. I could feel their face inch closer to mine and I wanted to scream. However, no one would be able to hear me over the deafening screams.

 “Riley, it’s time to go,” Lucas’s voice said. I sighed in relief. I felt his hand clasp around my arm as he led me to the exit. Just as we entered the hall, the lights went up and I could already see people leaving the stadium. I kept telling myself to breathe as Lucas led me down the hallway. We entered a room with five chairs, the other guys already there. I walked shakily to my seat, sitting right away. The guys all looked at me; I could feel their worry on their face.

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