Chapter One- The Trial

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Hey everyone! I'm your amazing, fantastic, hair-flip-worthy author, creepybookworm321. The story you are about to read is part of The Golden Writing contest, idea #4 hosted by TriciaDehler who is awesome and very creative. This story is her idea and only the writing part is mine. I have never written a book like this but I can't wait to try it! The story is based on the Salem Witch Trials, and is written in 1692 so the characters use strange words like thee, or 'morrow so if you're confused on what they're saying just drop a comment and I'll translate it for you. Anyways, have fun reading, and I hope you like it!


Salem, Massachusetts 1692

Salem Witch Trials


The old Puritan church had sunlight pouring through every window, shining on twenty-eight year old Charity Paris and her four year old daughter, who were terrified. The crowd's judgmental looks and hateful comments were not helping their stress.

The Reverend, John Brown, cleared his throat and started speaking.

"Fellow Puritans, we are gathered today to root out those who are evil, cleanse our souls and to encourage our beliefs! To do this, we must claw out those who practice the devils art, or witchcraft. Charity Paris and her daughter Elizabeth Paris hath been accused by none other than Modest Garren."

Charity bit her tongue. She expected Modest would have been the one to blame her. After all, it was well known across the town that they were enemies, after Charity had married Hunter who Modest had been secretly pining after for years.

"Silence! Charity Paris and her daughter hath been accused of the following crimes, practicing witchcraft and hurting Modest Garren's son, Liam Garren! Charity has also been accused of making deals with the devil. This is her last chance to admit thys sins, the church has asked her twice this week. If she confesses, Charity shall only have a small fine to pay," Reverend John Brown thundered, glaring at her. Charity stood rigid. She knew that the "small fine" was burning at the stake.

"I am innocent, thee has the wrong person," Charity stated, saying the same thing she had been saying the past week in her cell. She stared down the preacher, clutching her daughter even tighter, hating that the small four year old would soon meet her end.

Johns face had turned red at the woman's refusal to give in.

"Fine, thy church has given thee aplenty of chances, thee shall now face the consequences. By 'morrows dawn, thee shall be hung from the gallows and thys soul shall be reaped from the evil piercing it. Little Elizabeth shall also face the same punishment."

Charity held back her fear as her daughter and husband started crying.

"Charity! No!" Hunter screamed, being held back by two burly men. He sobbed trying to lunge and grab her.

"Be strong for them Charity, crying wont do," she muttered under her breath.

She was escorted to the back to watch the other trials, all of them with the outcasts and disliked folks from the town. They were all the same, poor, out-shadowed, and ugly in the others eyes. A few minutes passed by with Elizabeth's quiet sobs and hiccups drowning other trials.

"Shh Elizabeth, all shall be alright. Momma has  you," Charity said, bouncing the little girl.

"Momma I don't want to die," Elizabeth cried, clinging to Charity, who was unable to say anything to her daughter. She knew she couldn't promise anything.

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