09 | The Forbidden Forest

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- joji

"when I'm around slow dancing in the dark

don't follow me, you'll end up in my arms..."

Content Warning at the end of the chapter

Nighttime had already befallen Hogwarts and Priscilla, Nitara, Fred and George were making their way back into the dreaded hallway after dinner in the Great Hall (which they had to argue with Filch to be able to go to).

Priscilla still didn't have much of an appetite. The thought of her parents being somewhere out there scared and hiding was making her really depressed. Or maybe it was the lack of sleep. Or maybe it was the small, horrible part of her that was happy they were gone and out of her life. It was probably all of the above.

"I swear, if I have to hear about Harry putting his name in the Goblet one more time, I'm going to lose it," Priscilla complained. "Slytherin won't shut up about it. I think Cass almost cried."

George shook his head. "I was proper mad at first but I know there's no way Harry could've done it himself. Someone must've put his name in there for him."

"Who do you reckon?" Fred asked.

Nitara sighed, already yawning in anticipation for the night ahead. "I don't care, I'm just happy for Cedric."

They scrubbed the same floor for about an hour until their blisters had blisters, and then Fred finally gave Priscilla the signal. George had already agreed to cover for them, but Nitara was still apprehensive.

"There are monsters in that forest, Cilla," she warned. "And you're going in there with a Weasley," she added with a whisper. "Believe me and my experience it's not a good idea!"

Priscilla smiled and gave her friend's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "We'll be fine, Nini. Fred's been in there plenty of times. And what experience with which Weasley?" she added with a smirk and a quick glance at George.

"Don't be ridiculous!" she screeched in reply.

"It's just you and me tonight, unfortunately," George said with a cheeky grin. Nitara stuck her tongue out at him.

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