Chapter 1 - A Bitter Start

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It was the 1st of September. 10:59am, the train left in a minute. All the students began boarding the train. Most, going to their friends, others? Just trying to find a compartment.

Parker Malfoy was wondering along the Hogwarts Express, she had lost her brother so she was looking for him. She was looking out the window but was soon brought out her thoughts when she was knocked to the ground.

"Whoops, sorry about that!" A ginger girl exclaimed, holding out her hand to Parker.

Ginger? Her parents had told her about a specific ginger family. The Weasleys. Although, she didn't have a problem with them.

"It's perfectly fine. Don't worry. It's busy, could happen to any of us." The raven haired girl gave a small smile while she took the gingers hand.

"Oh, I'm Erica! What's your name?" Erica responded, helping up her new acquaintance.

"That's a lovely name. I'm Parker." Parker nodded,  "I'm presuming you're first year too?"

Erica nodded, swaying side to side,"I've been looking for my brother but he left with his new friend that we helped onto the platform."

"Really?" Parker asked, tilting her head to the side, "Me too! My brother ran off, trying to find the best compartment for himself."

Parker then rolled her eyes. All of a sudden the train whistle sounded, causing Erica to jump as two ginger boys approached.

"You'd best get in a compartment, the train is about to start." One boy stated, ruffling Erica's hair.

Parker looked at both boys before back at Erica, "It was a pleasure meeting you, Erica. Have a nice ride, I'll see you at Hogwarts."

Parker smiled at Erica before she ran off.

"Fred~ That was my only friend." Erica whined, looking at her older brothers.

"Do you know who that girl was?" George asked his younger sister, knowing she probably didn't.

"That girl is the daughter of one of the most richest wizarding families. The Malfoys. Mum and Dad have both warned you about them." Fred pointed at her.

Erica rolled her eyes,"So? If she was like the rest of her family she would have spat in my face knowing I was a Weasley."

"Come on, you can sit with us and Lee Jordan." He put his arm around her shoulder and began leading her to  their compartment.

That's when the three heard a voice, "My sister was just being kind, Weasley. She's not to be messed with."

Erica turned around about to say something but Fred stopped her.

"Well Malfoy jr, my sister shouldn't be messed with either. She can be deadly if she wants to." Fred replied, gaining a few looks from Erica.

Draco held back a laugh and scoffed, "A Weasley? Deadly? You must be out of your minds."

Fred went to say something else but Erica grabbed his ear like their mother did.

"Fred Weasley, I will not have you or George get into a fight before school has started especially against a first year. His father could buy our father and his whole team out of jobs so keep it zipped!" Erica ranted before letting go and walking towards Draco to see if she could sit with her other brother Percy.

"I would listen to her. She's just speaking the truth." Draco shrugged with a small smirk before he barged past the siblings.

"Bloody hell." Fred and George muttered.

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