Chapter 29 - Visiting St. Mungo's

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"Draco, Draco. Hey Draco." Parker poked him once they were out of Umbridge's office.

Draco looked at her, still under the influence of the serum.

"Is it true you and Pansy sneak out at night to the library?" Parker tilted her head.

"It is, I really enjoy books." Draco stated.

"How do you feel about Erica?" Parker asked, not expecting what he'd say.

"She seems nice but father would never let me speak with her." Draco answered.

Parker smiled slightly, "He wouldn't know. Maybe you should try, even just a few words."

"I would but she wouldn't want to speak with me. I've been horrible to all her friends." Draco admitted.

"I can try talking to her." Parker stated, "Now.. Is there something that mother and father are keeping from me?"

This was what Parker wanted to know. Ever since she was younger she felt like they were keeping something from her. This could be her chance to find out what it was.

"Yes, they are hiding something from you. They forbid me from telling you." Draco replied, arms behind his back.

"Draco. What are they hiding from me?" Parker crossed her arms.

"You aren't who you think you are. You a-" Draco was interrupted when Crabbe walked over.

"Come on Draco, we have to get to potions." Crabbe told him, leading the truthful boy away.

Parker looked at Draco while he walked away. What did he mean? She quickly removed the effects of the serum before making her way back to the Room of Requirement. Erica was waiting outside with the twins and Neville.

"What took you so long?" Erica asked her.

"Draco got me, Umbridge wanted another talk." Parker sighed, "Draco drank the truth serum and I.. Found out some things."

"Sounds important, what happened?" Neville questioned.

"I'll show you guys." Parker pointed her wand and used a memory spell so the others could see what they talked about.

"Hm, this is rather interesting." Fred stated.

"Get the detective one the case." George joked, resting his arm on Erica's head.

"But hey, he wants to talk to you at some point." Parker told Erica.

"Yeah, I'm willing to be his friend. If he says one wrong thing I'm pushing him down the stairs though." Erica finished, standing on her toes to be the same height as George.

"And I need to find out what 'you're not who you think you are' means." Parker sighed.

"We will, don't worry." Neville assured her with a smile.

Parker nodded, "I'll try. Anyway, what did I miss?"

"Well, Harry's snogging Cho in their." Erica stated blunty.

"He's what?" Parker asked, surprised.

"Snogging Cho Chang." Erica told her again.

"Shit.' Parker bit her inner cheek, "Under the mistletoe?"

Erica looked away,"I put it there for Ron and Hermione but they keep outsmarting me."

"Keep trying, I'm sure it'll work one of these times." Parker assured her.

"It's going to come down to you pushing them into eachother isn't it?" Neville chuckled, knowing how Erica gets.

"If it works, it works." Erica replied, crossing her arms.

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