Chapter 33 - What now?

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Erica sat on the train, leaning her head against the window as Parker walked in.

"Erica, can I talk to you?" Parker asked while she closed the door.

Erica nodded sleepily, her head still on the window.

"I want to.. thank you. For not telling me about Bellatrix." Parker sat down across from her.

Erica looked up from the window and tilted her head.

"Were you expecting me to be mad?" Parker raised a brow.

"A bit, Snape gave me glitter to be quiet. He keeps it in his cupboard." Erica admitted.

"Why would Snape have glitter?" Parker asked.

"He told me not to question it so I didn't." Erica answered.

"Weird." Parker muttered, "But I'm actually glad you didn't tell me. I would've rather gotten the truth from my family. I just..  Don't know what to do now. Going home, knowing everything now?"

"I mean, I don't know how I got caught. I didn't say anything and the door was closed. I wonder how Snape did it." Erica sighed,"Maybe tell Draco since he's your cousin."

"I don't think I'll be calling Draco my cousin. He's my brother, non biological or not." Parker shrugged before sighing, "It's gonna be more difficult for us at the Manor. I just know it. We'll have to stick together."

"Don't worry, the Herd always sticks together." Erica stated before adding,"I'm actually planning on looking up my family history over summer."

"Yeah? You'll need to keep me updated, send me an owl." Parker nodded.

"Oh, I will." Erica told her before looking out the window,"I've been keeping in touch with Oliver."

"You have? How is he?" Parker asked.

"He's been doing pretty good, he's still with Percy. Since Percy won't answer I decided to just ask Oliver." Erica explained.

"What has he been saying?" Parker tilted her head.

"He said he's putting most of his energy into work, refuses to talk about us and is acting quite nippy." Erica replied, leaning her head against the window.

"He'll come around, I promise." Parker sighed, "Give him time, okay?"

"I know, he always does it's just." Erica paused,"I sometimes wonder if it's my fault.

Parker went to speak but Erica stopped her.

"I know you'll tell me it isn't and I shouldn't blame myself but I always wonder if I could've tried harder." Erica sighed, closing her eyes.

"Erica, you did everything you could." Parker assured her, "Percy doesn't have his mind in the right place right now. But once he sees whats right? He'll change."

That's when the twins appeared from nowhere.

"So, did you enjoy the light show?" Fred asked.

"We all loved it." Parker nodded, "Minus Umbridge, of course."

"She doesn't count, she isn't human." George stated, sitting next to a sleeping Erica.

"I'm just glad she's gone." Parker sighed.

"Where did she go?" Fred asked.

"Last I heard, someone told the centaurs what she was doing. Then, the next day she was gone." Parker shrugged.

George chuckled before looking at his sister,"I would prefer if it wasn't on the train but at least she's sleeping."

"Maybe she can get a better sleep at the burrow once you all are home." Parker told them.

"We can try and put her on the fridge each night and see how that works." Fred suggested.

"Think she'll be fine there?" Parker asked.

"I mean, someone who can sleep in a tree overnight will be fine on fridge for the whole summer." George stated.

"What are you guys planning to do now? Now that you've left school." Parker tilted her head.

"Thanks to Harry, we've been to afford a shop in Diagon Alley. Our very own joke shop!" Fred announced, very excited.

"We'll have to all visit one time." Parker nodded, "I'm sure it'll be grand."

"Well, our grand opening is the day you'll be going to get your supplies." George told her.

"We'll definitely be visiting then." Parker did a small smile, "Any clues on what will be in the store?"

"I mean, what were we doing last year and this year?" Fred asked, giving her a hint.

Parker thought about it before nodding slowly, "Got it."

"Not just that but they'll be down of our main products." George finished.

Parker nodded, "I'll be looking forward to it."

"You should, it's going to be the best shop on the street." George stated.

"Probably the most colourful too." Fred added.

"Everything on that street is bloody dull. It'll be nice to see some colour." Parker shrugged.

"It's a joke shop, it needs to be colorful." George told her.

"That's true." Parker nodded, "Let me guess, it's going to be.. Orange?"

"There's going to be some orange." Fred informed her.

"I feel like some is going to be an understatement." Parker told them.

"Blue, light blue." Erica stated, awake again.

Parker looked at Erica, "Orange and light blue then."

"That's not fair, you helped us plan it." George said, arms crossed.

"It's a good combination. I'm sure everyone will like it." Parker nodded.

"Told you, contract is key." Erica yawned, looking at her brothers.

"Alright, alright." Fred put his hands up.

"So, what were you talking about while I was out?" Erica asked them all.

"Just about the joke shop." They all answered.

Erica gave them a thumbs up,"Keep talking, I'll just listen."

"We haven't made anything for that yet, sorry." George told her.

Parker nodded, "When you do, I'll be your first buyer. There's going to be a lot of screaming from now."

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